8 • Undesired Epiphany

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The morning after, the Sully kids, Rotxo, Tsireya, and Aonung were all sitting on a rock, having a breathing practice. Neteyam had noticed that Liyanin wasn't there again, kind of baffled that as soon as she had promised to teach him, she had been ditching every lesson. But as soon as he thought of her absence, she came walking towards the group. He almost let out a smile, but quickly caught himself.

"Liya," Tsireya let out, smiling brightly. "You have finally gotten better!"

"Yes, I am so sorry I have been so sickly as of late." She replied, feeling guilty for lying to everyone as to why she has been absent. Neteyam's eyes widened slightly when he heard why Liyanin had missed so many lessons. So she was sick, he thought. When she walked onto the rock to sit, he had noticed that her songcord did not have the bead he had given her that day he deemed her his teacher. Him seeing this made a mysterious feeling grow in the pit of his stomach, but it was not a happy one. He didn't know what it was, but he knew he didn't want it to get any bigger.

"What? Aonung is here?" Liyanin asked, sarcastically, causing him to roll his eyes.

"A lot has happened while you were away, big sister." Aonung replied, returning the tone.

"Not much I can say to that." She laughed. Aonung felt happy that he could make his sister giggle, for he hates making her upset with actions that he's done.

"I missed you, Liyanin!" Tuk shouted, scaring said girl in the process. Everyone had laughed at the situation since Tuk's outburst was so random and unexpected.

"Haha, thank you, Tuktirey. I will try to better my attendance," She replied. "...Alright, how about we continue the lesson?" Liyanin suggested.

"Ugh, we've been doing the breathing one for too long, it's getting boring..." Rotxo groaned.

"That is true..." Aonung added.

"Oh, sister! How about you tell us tales of the other Na'vi clans?" Tsireya exclaimed.

"...Why don't we have those other Na'vi that are here with us tell us the stories themselves? Because I don't know that much..." said Liyanin, avoiding the suggestion. She did not want anyone asking her questions of how she knew such tales, since the reason why she does stems from her powers. You see, Awa'atlu, the Metkayina, and the other tribes on the patch of islands are far from any other clans. They are basically isolated from the outside world from beyond the oceans. But since Liyanin can see future memories the water holds, it is a given that she also can see past ones. The water from the forest clans that pass through their lands eventually makes its way over to Awa'atlu's seas, letting Liyanin learn about the ways of the forest Na'vi whenever she was in the mood for a new story. She had told her siblings that she could see these things, but in the form of tales that she had heard from the sea. She did this because she felt that if she had told them that she could see the sea's past, they would ask her if she could see its future. So, for obvious reasons, she couldn't just start telling stories, because then the Sullys would wonder how a girl from the isolated islands was able to learn of their customs and traditions. Tsireya seemed to have forgotten this, so Liyanin had diverted the question, making faces at her to get the hint. Luckily, she did, instantly feeling dumb that she forgot something like that. Liyanin looked towards Neteyam, trying to get him to take over the conversation, but he was too deep in thought as to why Liyanin wasn't wearing the bead he had given her.

"You guys won't believe what happened to us yesterday." Lo'ak suddenly said. It took Liyanin a minute to realize what he was talking about, and when she did, she tried to stop the conversation from going any further. But it was too late.

"What did you do? What did you do?" Tuk shouted.

"Wait, who's us?" asked Neteyam, finally coming back to reality.

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