36 • A Leader's Address

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"My people," Tonowari started. "I call you here today to address the recent säpenghrr (warning) that was issued near the southern Marui."

"A säpenghrr was issued?"

"Yes, it was from the south, you guys did not hear about it?"

"Who issued it?"

"I believe it was the tsakarem..."

The crowd chittered and chattered amongst themselves of the säpenghrr. Some were shocked, for they had no idea that one was even announced, others were ready to hear what Tonowari had to say due to their knowledge of it. The Sullys were there, too, Lo'ak holding Neteyam's arm over his shoulder since he still couldn't walk on his own.

"The säpenghrr that was issued was due to the release of...txampay'weya." he revealed. This prompted gasps of shock and worry from the villagers, for everyone knew the dangers of such a creature. "My negligence and misstep as your Olo'ahktan is to blame...and unfortunately, two Na'vi were harmed because of this. One of our free divers, Tiluway," he gestured his arm towards the named man; Tiluway had smiled faintly with the poultice on his neck, waving as if he were a celebrity. Peya was quick to smack his hand down. "...and the eldest of Toruk Makto, Neteyam." The crowd's gaze shifted towards the boy, whispering amongst themselves. Masanai's heart wrenched at seeing his injured self, and so she wanted nothing more than to engulf him in her arms.

"My eldest daughter, Liyanin, is the one who issued the säpenghrr." he stated as he placed his hand on her shoulder. She gave him a soft smile in return. "...already, she shows how capable she is to become Tsahìk...

...and so as a result, the upcoming second phase......shall be postponed."


"I was ready to participate!"

"Why should we have to wait because of some forest boy??"

Various complaints—mostly from the participating teens—were being tossed around the crowd, earning a distasteful look from both Tonowari and Liyanin. Neteyam's ears had folded downwards out of guilt, feeling responsible for everyone's spoiled mood. Lo'ak noticed his brother's discomfort and looked to Liyanin to get her to rectify the situation. She didn't know what to do, for she was never one for public speaking, but Lo'ak's eyes urged her.

Tonowari couldn't believe what he was hearing, but Ronal was indifferent to the situation; she never felt any form of sympathy towards the Sullys anyway.

"Oì!" Tonowari called, shutting the bitter voices down, making them now listen to what he had to say. Anyone with eyes could see the displease on his face.

"I cannot believe what it is I am hearing." he began, staring down each and every whiner. "I tell you, two Na'vi were injured, thus the second phase must be postponed, yet all you can do is complain?" he stated exasperatedly. No one said anything; it was dead silent. "Ftxozä Aytulkun Atätxaw is a time of community; families, no matter who or where you are from, can participate with other families—it is a joyous time of the year. Yet, you dare taint it with your selfishness. To say that I am disappointed does not even begin to cover it."

The teens that were once bold to complain were now quiet with shame. Liyanin's tail swayed slowly as she looked over the crowd, her eyes then locking with Neteyam's. He half-smiled, earning a small smile back from her.

"Now as I said, instead of the second phase being tomorrow, it shall be three days from now. That is all."

He dismissed the villagers, now walking over to the Sullys and Tiluway's family. "I am deeply saddened for what you two had to witness," he said to Neteyam and Tiluway. "...that should not have happened."

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