26 • Perceptible Hazards and Risks

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, it was prom week and I was too busy 😖 but I am here now! 🥴


I want to stay like this forever.

Neteyam thought, holding Liyanin in his arms, rubbing perpetual circles on her back. He had to fight back the urge to tell her everything, to just litter her face with kisses. Meanwhile, she kept her face buried in his chest, waiting for her tears to dry.

Lo'ak and Tsireya had heard all of the commotion and what happened from nearby villagers, and ran over to her pod to go see, but when they arrived, they witnessed the embracing lovebirds on the canoe. Tsireya's eyes widened with surprise, wondering if her sister finally confessed how she felt to Neteyam. On the other hand Lo'ak, unaware of the romantic feelings the two harbored toward one another, just walked up on them, eventually ending their sweet moment.

"Neteyam, Liyanin!" Lo'ak said, which prompted them to slowly separate their bodies, turning to face him. Neteyam cursed in his head at Lo'ak, praying to Eywa to stop him from yelling at his brother. Tsireya sighed, knowing as well that Lo'ak had ruined their moment.

"What is it, baby bro?" Neteyam asked with a pained and annoyed smile, his hand still holding Liyanin's. The two didn't seem to notice their fingers were still interlocked, but Tsireya did, and she silently giggled, not saying anything to bring it to anyone's attention.

"What happened here? I heard other Na'vi saying someone was dying?" Lo'ak asked, bending down to meet their level.

"Ah, yes," Liyanin said while sniffling. "One of our free divers got poisoned by a txampay'weya. But I managed to extract it. He is inside recovering now."

"A txampay'weya? What is that?"

"It is like the...kali'weya you forest people have, only much more toxic...and they are saltwater creatures." she explained to the younger boy.

"Are you okay, sister?" Tsireya asked, rubbing Liyanin's shoulder. "You look exhausted."

"It was very nerve-racking. I did not know if I would be able to do it."

Neteyam gazed into her eyes as she spoke, unaware of Tsireya's noticing of him doing this. Her ears rose out of revelation, now seeing Neteyam's true feelings. It was so obvious, the way he was looking at her; Tsireya would be a fool to dismiss it as just a coincidence. It was the same look Lo'ak had given her when they first met. She wanted to tell Liyanin of her thoughts...but...that was not her place. Neteyam's confession would have to come from him and him alone...that is if he would even do it in the first place.

"...you should rest," Neteyam said softly, unconsciously rubbing her knuckles. This action soothed Liyanin's stress, easing the troubles she had. "...your sister will make sure that no one disturbs him." he added, his eyes drifting over to a now sleeping Tiluway.

Liyanin smiled slightly, her eyes now turning their attention to her and Neteyam's hands. His hand was still in hers, which made her become shocked. How long were they holding each other's hand? She didn't move it, though, for his hand was warm, yet cool; a fuzzy feeling sprouted in her chest.

"Dang, is that a needle sticking out of his neck?" Lo'ak popped.

"It is a detoxifier, Lo'ak." Tsireya explained. "It helps with getting the poison out."

He nodded, now understanding what it was. But as Tsireya's eyes settled on Tiluway, the fact that the needle was in his neck hit her. She turned to Liyanin, eyes widened and tail swaying fast. "Sister, he was stung in the neck?!"

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