Chapter 19: The moon.

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♡George pov♡

I picked up bad habits. Since the night I broke down in front of a customer about missing Clay, Joe had been giving me drugs in an attempt to keep me distracted. I'd picked up smoking weed and cigarettes. I take all kinds of pills. I've snorted coke. The one thing I won't do is inject myself with anything.

"What's that?"

I sat up and looked at the man who just fucked me. He was pointing at my wall. I looked over.

"Tally marks." I replied.

"For what?" He asked.

"This side is for how long I've been here. This side is for how many guys I've fucked since I've been here." I told him.

This guy wasn't like a lot of customers I had. He's been here twice now, and every time he's here, he starts conversation with me. He treats me like an actual person rather than an object.

"Are you allowed to leave? I don't think I've ever seen you leave this room." He said.

"I can. Whenever Joe lets me go on break. I sleep here. I eat here. I do my job here." I told him.

"You look pretty young, George. How old are you?" He asked.

Of course, Joe always told them I was 18, which isn't true. I turn 18 in 2 weeks. I've already been here for a month.

"Do you want to hear what everyone else wants to hear, or do you want the truth?" I asked.

The men definitely know I'm not an adult, but they choose to ignore that.

"The truth." He stated.

I got up from my bed and sat on my stool. I already had a line ready. I rolled up a dollar bill and did the line. He watched with sadness apparant on his face. I sniffed and wiped the coke off my nose.

"Seventeen." I said.

I looked at him through the mirror. He put his head in his hands.

"Fuck." He muttered.

I turned around to face him.

"Don't blame yourself for not knowing." I stated.

"I wouldn't have ever done anything like this if I knew. Joe told me you were twenty-one. God, you should be in school. This is so fucked George. I'm so sorry for doing this to you." He apologized.

"You didn't know. Think about it this way. You still had the decency to treat me like an actual person. Nobody else has done that. You talk to me. God, I don't think I've had a conversation since I've been here." I told him.

This seemed to calm him down a bit.

"How did you end up here?" He asked.

I almost laughed honestly.

"You want the full story?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Well, my dad killed himself months ago. He was the only person who cared about me. I was stuck with my mom, who was an addict. She was also very abusive. I didn't receive the affection and attention I needed from her. I found amazing friends at school and one of them asked me to be his boyfriend last month. Before all this. My mom ended up accidently overdosing, so I was sent to a foster home. My foster dad found out I was gay and sold me to Joe." I explained.

"When do you turn eighteen?" He asked.

"Next month." I replied.

"Did anyone report you missing?" He asked.

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