Chapter 8: Offer.

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♡Clay pov♡

George had gone to the rehab place, and I'm currently on my way to pick him up. I had told Sapnap and Karl most of what had happened, besides the part about his mom. George said I could tell them as they were his friends, too.

This place looks like a fucking prison.

I parked my truck and got out, locking the door. I went up the steps and in through the front door. I walked up to the secretary's desk.

"I'm here to pick up George Davidson. His mom called and said I would be the one getting him." I stated.

"Okay. I'll call him down." She mumbled.

A couple of minutes later, a door opened. George's eyes met mine, and he quickly ran over to me. He hugged me tightly, and I returned it.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I missed you." He said quietly.

I felt my chest get warm, and my stomach fluttered a bit. I carefully brushed my fingers through his hair.

"I missed you too. English was so boring without you." I told him.

"If I keep hanging out with you, my arms are gonna be covered in hearts." He said.

I felt the warm feeling again, and I smiled at the fact he remembered my idea.

"Good. That's how it should be." I stated.

He pulled away from me.

"Let's go. I'm tired of this place." He mumbled.

I reached my hand out. He rolled his eyes and took it, and we walked out.

"Of course you wanna hold my hand, you queer." He said.

"Well, you're the one who took it, so you're just as guilty." I replied.

He laughed, and I did as well.

There was undeniable tension between George and I, and he knew it, too. I mean, we cuddled twice in rather intimate positions. The first time we hung out, we checked each other out several times.

I promise it wasn't just me. I saw him eyeing me, too.

Anyway, we're also holding hands right now, and the obvious flirting.

I unlocked my truck, and we got in. He sighed and curled up in the seat.

"I don't wanna go home." He said quietly, as if he didn't want me to hear it.

I looked over at him. He was looking out the window, clearly upset. I placed my hand on his knee.

"Then don't. You can stay at my house tonight. My parents probably won't mind." I told him.

"It's fine. I don't wanna invade your personal life with my problems and -"

"Don't even start with all that. You aren't invading my personal life. All I do is sit around and watch TV or do stuff on the farm for my parents. I want you to be somewhere where you feel safe." I explained.

He still looked hesitant. He looked down at his knees. He placed his hand on top of mine and intertwined our fingers. I felt my stomach flutter again.

"I guess I can stay. Only for a night, though." He stated.

I smiled.

"Good." I said.

He smiled and carefully began playing with my fingers. I started my truck and reversed it before pulling out of the parking lot. He played with my fingers while we had casual conversation the whole 30 minutes back to my house.

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