Chapter 6: Worried.

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♡Clay pov♡

It was time for George to go home. We had spent all day watching movies cuddled up on the couch. It was about 5 p.m., and his mom had texted. We were currently driving towards town.

"I don't wanna go home. I had so much fun." He said.

"Good thing we'll be able to do it again next week." I stated.

He curled up in his seat and turned to face me.

"Seriously. Thank you, Clay. This has been the best twenty-four hours ever." He told me.

I glanced over at him and smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, George. Everyone seems to like you a lot. Quackity told Sapnap you seemed really nice, although you were quiet." I said.

"Awww, that's sweet." He replied.

It was silent as we entered town.

"Thanks for helping me patch up those cuts, too. And getting my dad before I got mauled." I stated.

He giggled.

His laugh is cute.

"Imagine the first time we hangout outside of my job or school you just get fucking mauled." He laughed, making me laugh as well.

I soon pulled into his neighbor, and he got quieter. He wasn't talking, and he was fidgeting with his hoodie sleeves.

♡George pov♡

He pulled over on the side of the road. I looked at my beat down house, knowing what was waiting for me inside.

I really don't want to go. Clay and his family were so nice to me. As soon as I walk inside, I'll go back to feeling useless, unloved, stupid. I don't want to feel like that. I know I'll relapse after I see my mom. I already know I'm gonna relapse when I walk in that house.

"Are you okay?" Clay asked softly.

His voice was a lot softer than it normally was when he talked to me. It genuinely almost made me start bawling my eyes out, begging him to let me come back with him.

"Yeah." I replied.

I felt his gentle hand on my shoulder, and it made my eyes water.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I nodded, unable to speak, or I would start crying.

"George, you're trying not to cry. I can tell." He said.

The tears finally slid down my face. I quickly wiped them, feeling horribly embarrassed.

"What do you need me to do? Do you want a hug? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"A hug would be nice." I mumbled.

I turned towards him. His arms went around my waist, and mine went around the back of his neck. I buried my face in his shoulder, trying to force myself to stop crying.

God, this is so pathetic. I just wanna cut. I can't believe I started crying in front of him. He probably thinks I'm fuckinf weird.

I felt his fingers gently run up and down my back.

"It's okay, George. I'm here for you." He told me.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

He softly shushed me.

"Don't apologize for needing comfort. It's okay. I promise. I'm here." He said.

I stopped most physical affection after my dad passed. It was one of his favorite things. I hugged him every day. He still came in and hugged and kissed me goodnight even though I was a teenager. I told him I was gay when I was 12, and he accepted me completely.

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