Chapter 7: Upset.

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♡George pov♡

On the notes, I added where I was going to die, just in case nobody found me. I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulders. I grabbed the envelope and left my room. I went down the hall and towards the front door.

"Thank god I'll never have to see you again." I heard mom say.

You won't even be able to take care of yourself. You're going to die without me.

I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys. I opened the front door.

"Where are you even going?" She asked.

I turned to look at her.

"**** bridge." I stated.

I slammed the door shut and walked to my car.

I'm not using the fucking needles. I'll just take all the pills.

I started my car and pulled out of the driveway. I pulled up Clay's house on GPS and started to drive out of town.

♡15 mins later♡

I parked at the end of his driveway, so my car was out of sight. I walked up the long driveway before I got to his porch. I opened the screen door and put the envelope in between the regular door and the screen. I could hear dogs barking inside. I quickly left and went back down the driveway.

It's time. Finally.

I got in my car and started it. I found the GPS for the bridge and started driving.

It's only 5 minutes away from Clay's house. I started the drive, arriving soon after. I parked and shut off my engine. I reached into my backpack and found the bag. I pulled it out and got out of my car. I walked onto the bridge.

Clay already told me this wasn't a busy road. Nobody had any need to go down here.

I sat on the ground next to the fence. I opened the bag and first took out my blade.

It's comforted me for years. I just needed that comfort one more time.

I rolled up my sleeve and dug the blade into my arm. I did this a couple more times. I put it back in the bag and looked down at my bleeding arm.

I wonder if my dad can see me right now. I wonder if he knows what I'm doing. I hope not. He would probably be really upset.

I reached into the bag and grabbed out a pill bottle.

Shit. My water.

I got up from my spot on the ground and went back to my car. My favorite stuffed animal was sat in the passenger seat. I grabbed my water and shut the door. I locked my car and went back to my spot on the bridge.

Jesus. I'm taking too long.

I started with a couple of pills. I couldn't take them all at once. I took more and more until I was halfway through the bottle. I took more until I only had third left.

I'm shaking.

My hands were shaking so bad to the point that it was difficult to hold the pill bottle or my water.

Good. It's working.

I began feeling hot and panicky. My vision blurred and began blacking out.

Am I dying or nodding off?

I felt my body lean against the fence.

I didn't think it would work this fast. I was gonna jump.

♡Clay pov♡

I sped up more. There was a cop following me as he caught me speeding out of my driveway. I sped towards the bridge. I got sight of George's car. I slammed on my brakes and put it in the park. I got out and started running towards the bridge.

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