040: The envasion

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To say Aria Stark was on edge, as she sat next to Gwen Stacey on the school bus would be an understatement

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To say Aria Stark was on edge, as she sat next to Gwen Stacey on the school bus would be an understatement. She knew what was coming today, and not being able to tell anyone about it killed her. Before she left for school in the morning she had begged Tony, Pepper, Happy and Rhodey to be safe. All of them were confused but agreed none the less. The brunette was thankful that this time she had powers so she could actually help to stop what was coming instead of sitting back and waiting. She only hoped this was the one in a million chance they had of winning. Because, she couldn't go through this again. She refused to.
Gwen and Aria were sat in front of Peter and Ned, while Katie and Elijah sat in front of them. Aria felt a tap on her back, she turned to Peter who pointed out of the window. That's when she saw it and knew it was happening. The space ship. Thanos was on his way.
"What the hell is that?" Elijah asks, as him, Katie and Gwen also look out the window.
"Ned hey." Peter says, tapping Ned who had his headphones in.
Ned takes them out turning to Peter.
"We need you guys to create a distraction." Aria tells Elijah, Katie, Gwen and Ned.
"Holy shit." Ned whispers seeing the ship. "We're all gonna die!"
"That's one way to do it." Gwen says, before turning to Aria and hugging her tightly. "Be careful."
"I will." Aria says, quickly hugging her back, then standing up as everyone freaked out.
"Please stay safe." Elijah says, quickly kissing his girlfriend.
"I will. I'll be back before you know it." Aria says.
The brunette then turns to Peter and nods before the two climb out the window.

Once Aria and Peter landed on the ground in their suits, Aria turns to Peter.
"You get everyone out. I'm going to go find my dad. He has to be here somewhere." Aria says.
"Be careful." Peter tells her.
"I always am. You be careful to." Aria says, before running off.

"Dad!" Aria shouts, running over to him.
"Aria, what are you doing here?" Tony asks, hugging his daughter as Dr Strange, Wong and Bruce came out from behind the wall.
"This happened in my real world. I know what's going on. Let me help." Aria says.
"You do know you can't tell us, right?" Dr Strange says.
"I know." Aria says.
"Good." Strange says, before doing something with his sling rings.
Aria doesn't take notice of what he's doing as she finally notices Bruce.
"Bruce?" Aria asks, slowly walking over to him.
"Aria?" Bruce asks.
Aria breaks into a run, as she runs over and hugs him.
"I missed you so much." Aria says, as Bruce hugs her back.
"I missed you to." Bruce replies.
"It's so good to see you, even though I wish the circumstances were better." Aria says, as they pull apart.
"It's good to see you to." Bruce says.
The pair then turn around, as a beam comes down from the ship. Tony looks at his daughter, who starts walking towards the ship. The others following closely behind. Once the beam had disappeared, they see two aliens.
"Hear me. And rejoice." One announces. "You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful... that your meanlingless lives are now contributing..."
"I'm sorry. Earth is closed today." Tony tells the alien. "You better pack it up and get outta here."
"Stonekeeper." The alien says. "Does this chattering animal speak for you?"
"Certainly not. I speak for myself." Dr Strange says, steping forward and activating his sling rings. "Your trespassing in this city and on this planet."
"He means get lost, Squidward." Tony says.
"He exhausts me." The alien says. "Bring me the stone."
"We ain't doing that." Aria says.
The other alien then swings his hammer, walking forward.
"Banner, you want a piece?" Tony asks.
"Mm, no, not really. But when do I ever get what I want?" Bruce asks.
"That's right. It's been a while. It's gonna be good to have you, buddy." Tony says.
Bruce tries to turn into the hulk but fails.
"Let me just... I need to concentrate for a second." Bruce says, trying again and again but continuingly failing.
"Where's you guy?" Aria asks, as the monster with the hammer gets closer.
"I don't know we've sorter been having a thing." Bruce says.
"It's no time for a thing." Tony tells him.
"I know." Bruce says.
"That's the thing right there, let's go." Tony says, before Bruce tries and fails again, causing Strange to look at Tony. "Dude, you're embarrsing me infront of the wizards."
"Tony, I can't or he won't." Bruce says.
"It's okay." Tony says. "Hey, stand down."
"Keep an eye on him." Aria tells Wong. "Thank you."
Tony then steps forward his suit appearing. As the monster tries to hit him with his hammer, the suit creates a sheild which Tony get's above him just in time. Blasters then come out of his suit and blasts the monster back. The monster charges back over to the group, but Aria steps forward swinging her arm infront of her sending the monster flying again.
"Where'd that come from?" Bruce asks.
"It's nanotech." Tony says. You like it? A little something I..."
Tony get's cut off as the ground raises below him lifting him up.
"Dad!" Aria shouts.
The alien Tony called Squidward then tries to throw trees at the group. Strange turns around and sends Bruce through a potal as Aria moves her hands infront of her creating a sheild.
"We're going to have to come up with something soon, I don't know how much longer I can hold this." Aria tells Strange and Wong.
Tony then flies down, just as a car hitting the sheild breaks it. Tony blasts it back as Aria falls to the floor. The alien cuts the car in half as Tony turns to Dr Strange.
"We gotta get that stone outta here, now." Tony says, helping his daughter up.
"The stone stays with me." Strange tells him.
"Exactly, bye." Tony says, flying off.
Aria breaths out before jumping back as her dad goes flying back past her.
"You got these guys?" Aria asks, causing Strange and Wong to nod. "Good. I'm going after my dad."

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