22. Happy Birthday Angel

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"You will always be welcome, Angel. Now enjoy breakfast because soon you have to get ready." He says to me as I start eating.

"Are you leaving me by myself here?" I asked him.

"No baby, not a chance. I won't see you for a few hours, I need my daily doses of Sariah as much as I can get." He says, kissing my neck, and I moan, enjoying this kind of affection.

After breakfast, Michael left to make some calls, but not before he drew me a relaxing milk bath so I could enjoy my day. There have been men in my life who cared for me, but not like Michael. He takes extra care with me and thinks about how to please and satisfy his woman. It's the main thing I think I admire about his love. It feels matched to mine. I like to take extra thought into caring for others, and now I finally feel it reciprocated.

I looked at Nayelli's note: 


Happy birthday to my best friend and sister! I am looking forward to hanging out with you and celebrating your special day. I want you to know that the day you entered my life was a special moment for me. It showed me that I could be accepted by the world much to my parents' disbelief, and you allow me to find myself. I feel as if I owe you for teaching me about freedom. So, for the rest of my life, I am going to show you, my appreciation. Now get dressed and please don't question it, there is a method to my madness. Let's have fun!!!

Love your sister,


I looked at Nayelli's outfit for me to wear today. Grant it, I know it is Halloween, but she really expects me to dress up as a Princess of Darkness. I decided not to question it and begin to get ready.

After doing my hair and makeup, I headed downstairs to see Nayelli waiting for me

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After doing my hair and makeup, I headed downstairs to see Nayelli waiting for me.

"Whoa, you look amazing girl. Come on, let's leave before your boyfriend kidnaps you." She says, making me laugh.

"Where is Michael anyway?" I asked, looking around the hall.

"I sent him off. This needs to be a surprise. Come on, girl." She says, pulling me outside towards her car.

"Happy Birthday, Riah." She says, handing me a small gift bag.

"This is too much, Yelli, you don't have to..." I begin to say, but she stops me.

"Nonsense, you're my girl. Besides, with my wedding fast approaching, I am going to be too busy for you soon anyway." She says, and I nod.

Digging in the bag, I found a silver locket with our picture in it, as well as my family portrait from when I was seven. A tear fell from my eyes as I stared at my parents and my brother. Damn, I miss them so much. The inscription on the locket read family forever.

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