Chapter 32

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Trigger Warning ⚠️

Namjoon : You yelled at your dad for this shit? Oh,now he has become so courageous that he is instigating you against us.

( He caught hold of Seokjin's back hair and started dragging him away from there. )

Taehyung :Dad,wh..what are you doing?

( He started going after them but Da-mi held his wrist and he looked at her with full of anger in his eyes. )

Taehyung : Leave my hand grandma. (growled )

Da-mi : It's a matter between them, there's no need for you to intervene.

Taehyung :I SAID LEAVE MY HAND RIGHT NOW. (Shouted loudly)

( She got very scared after seeing his sharp angry eyes, she immediately let go of his hand. He started running after them.Da-mi smiled while wiping her tears and sat on the couch. )

Da-mi :Mia, bring me hot tea.The drama starts now.Let's enjoy Da-mi.(smirked )

( Namjoon took Seokjin into the room and slammed him hard on the floor and closed the door. )

Namjoon : You dare to turn my son against me? You must be punished for this. (smirked )

( He took out the belt from his waist . Seeing the belt, Seokjin widened his eyes in fear and started shaking his head vigorously. )

Seokjin :No, pl..please not with this I'm sorry I'll ne..never make th..that mistake ag..again please do..don't hit me with will hu..hurt me a lot (pleaded with folded hands )

Namjoon : Have I ever misled you into thinking that I cared about your pain?No, right? Then, why do you always start irritating me more by saying all this nonsense?

( He started hitting Seokjin hard with that belt. )

Seokjin : Ahh... no ...Ahhh pleas... Ahhhh... sorr...Ahhh... I Ahhhhh

( Taehyung stood near the door and heard Seokjin screaming loudly. He started pulling and banging the door loudly. )

Taehyung :Dad,you can punish me as much as you want please don't beat mom. He hasn't done anything.

( He heard a loud scream from inside and he fell on his knees. )

Taehyung : pl..please leave him,he is s..sick.He will d..die please don't hit hi..him dad please (said while crying)

( He looked up when he heard the sound of the door opening.Namjoon was standing in front of him. )

Namjoon :I tried my best but I don't think he's gonna die so soon. (left)

( He immediately got up and went inside the room.As he entered,his hands and legs started trembling when his eyes fell on his mom.Seokjin was unconscious on the floor and blood was flowing from his forehead,face and his shirt was drenched in blood. There was blood on the floor too.Taehyung fell on his knees and took his mom in his arms. )

Taehyung open yo..your eyes please I'm so..sorry mom today you suffered so much pa..pain coz of your Tae I'm really sorry.Can you hear me mom? please open your eyes. (no reply )

( He picked up a glass of water from the nearby table and sprinkled it on Seokjin's face and he started moving a little.)

Taehyung :Mom, please open your eyes.

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