Chapter 22

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(Kookie started getting drunk. His vision was gradually becoming Blurry..)

Kookie: Hyung, why is everyone spinning in circles?(cutely said)

Ho-seok: Everyone isn't spinning in circles.Your head is spinning my little silly bunny.(trying not to laugh)

Kookie Okay.I'm thirsty hyung. I wanna drink water.(blinking frequently to clear his vision)

Ho-seok: Wait, hyung will bring water.Don't go anywhere, okay baby?

Kookie (nodded like a little kid with a cute bunny smile on his face): Okay eomma.

Ho-seok: What? I..I'm not your eomma .I'm your Sunshine handsome hyung baby.

Kookie:If you are Sunshine then who is handsome?

Ho-seok: I'm both.Leave it, if I try to explain it to you, I'll go crazy. Let me get water for you.

(Ho-seok leaves from there but a stranger boy comes near kookie.)

A boy:Hi, What's your name?

Kookie:Why do you wanna know my name? (said while rubbing his eyes with his fist)

A boy:Coz you are so pretty.(said while looking at kookie from head to toe in a lusty way)

Kookie: But you aren't handsome at all and I don't wanna talk to you. (turned his head to the other side)

A boy: What? I'm the most handsome man in my uni. Everyone calls me handsome.

Kookie: Haha haha.. They all must be blind.Have you ever seen my husband? Uncle, he is called handsome.(proudly said)

A boy: Did you just call me uncle?(angrily held kookie's hand)

Kookie(jerked off): You stupid buffalo, how dare you to hold my hand?( Slapped him hard)

A boy: You dare to slap me?Now, you're gone.(moving his hand towards kookie's waist)

(But before he could touch,he got a strong punch on his face.When he turned around, his body trembled with fear at the sight of those burning siren gaze with intense anger.Taehyung twisted his hand firmly and started punching him hard.Two people came to save him but Taehyung wasn't ready to stop himself at all.He was so angry that he didn't care about anything, the people around him were there, what would they think, it didn't matter to him at that time.)

(He immediately stopped his hand in place when he felt a very soft touch in his hand, he turned his head at that direction and his eyes fell on a small, round and innocent face that had a trace of worry on it.)

Kookie: Your hand is bleeding. How did you get hurt?(said innocently while looking at tae's bloody hand)

( Kookie took out the hanky from his pocket, and started tying it on tae's hand gently. Those eyes were just staring at that innocent face, without taking the gaze away for even a moment, without blinking.)

Kookie: Don't worry. Your hand will heal very soon, okay?(said while showing his little bunny smile)

( Kookie looked to that boy, glared at him angrily, huffed "Huh" in annoyance and again turned his head towards Taehyung. )

Kookie : He held my hand very tightly, it's still hurting.(looking at Taehyung he made a cute sad face, said while pointing his finger towards the boy)

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