Chapter 60: Severance

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 October 11, 4021 12:44 [Lahab Mutajamid Desert]

"They're really going at it," Akula remarked in awe at Temujin and Baldwin's ferocious clash.

"Do not let your eyes wander!" a voice boomed.

Instinctively, Akula leapt back, narrowly avoiding a meteoric collision as a figure crashed into the ground. Plumes of sand billowed in Akula's eyes as the winds picked up, a harsh gale brewing around them.

"You lack focus. I would think the Homunculi would be more disciplined, yet you strike me as nothing more than fledglings. How do you hope to defeat me with such a paltry display?" Orpheus the Wanderer mocked.

The wind changed course, causing his chiton to press against his chest as his red chlamys fluttered behind him. "If you plan on boring me to death then I'd say your plan is working quite well," he stated with the same solemn expression, tinkering with the cuffs fastened to his wrists.

Despite Orpheus' attempt at derogation, it was clear that fighting Akula was the least of his concerns; he was merely fulfilling an obligation to his allies. Still, Akula gnashed his teeth apprehensively. The first attack was simply a courtesy; the next would not be telegraphed so easily. The space between Orpheus and Akula was tense; one false move and Akula's head would roll.

Around them, chaos reigned, ignited by the flames of war. The other Homunculi had spread out, taking on waves of enemies as Stormcloaks descended upon them. Ice and sand, fire and blood, and the countless Trait abilities that flew across the battlefield left the skies and earth in ruin.

The aerial squad soared overhead, executing evasive maneuvers as they were picked off by anti-aircraft guns from below. Enemy aircraft emerged from the underbellies of Cataclysms, ambushing the fleet using fog screens as cover. The forces of Yuèliàng were whittled down as the skies devolved into a hellish series of dogfights peppering the desert below with chunks of fiery debris.

A flash of green and pink flitted in the corners of Akula's eyes, taking to the skies to assist the aerial unit, though he didn't dare take his eyes off of Orpheus again. He maintained a fixed gaze on his enemy, the low thud of his heartbeat pounding in his eardrums.

Skadi's Garuda armor came into view. She kept the Stormcloaks at bay as Dot's Lancer, Safe//Hack, tore through squadrons of enemy aircraft. They made headway, beelining towards the Cataclysms. On the shoulder of the pink Lancer stood Slump, snapping his fingers wildly. A slew of explosions rocked the ships as they wreaked havoc against the flying fortresses.

"Your people are dangerous," Orpheus muttered, scowling. "I should be up there helping." He flexed his hand, staring at Akula impatiently. "I'll end this quickly, for your sake and my own."

The hairs on Akula's neck stood on end; a violent aura suddenly enveloped the area. His breath turned shallow as his heart began to pound even harder against his chest. He attempted to swallow but his mouth was parched, and his throat dry. Akula grinned nervously, clenching his fist as he stood tall against the Herald of Judgement.

"Funny, I was just about to say the same thing."

"Then let us put an end to this," Orpheus replied.

"Yes, let's. Less yapping, more—"

Akula was blown back by what felt like a cinder block to the sternum. Orpheus slammed his palms together, parting the sands. The force had sent a devastating ripple of wind in Akula's direction, knocking him over.

He recovered quickly, spinning around and shooting shards of blood, wheezing as he tried to catch his breath. Orpheus brushed the attack aside, unamused. Gritting his teeth, Akula rose to his feet, coating himself in Shakti. More shards of blood rose from the ground, trembling behind him as he took aim.

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