Announcement: Patreon is now live (12 Chapters ahead)

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Hi everyone,

It's been almost a month since I last posted anything here. A small update: I've graduated! So I finally have my bachelor's degree. I've also been moving and looking for a job so that's taken time away from writing, but nevertheless, I've been chipping away at advanced chapters until now. I'm happy to announce that the Patreon is now live with 12 advanced chapters you can read right away. This puts the story about a month ahead of Royal Road, Scribblehub, Wattpad, and Spacebattles. I only have one tier for now, priced at $10 because it's more manageable for me. So if you're interested in reading ahead and supporting me you can get to the Patreon by going here:

As always, thanks for following the story this far. I hope you're enjoying it, and take care.


Siren's Elegy Volume 1: Orphans of Ashen EarthWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt