After finishing their meal, Jimmy and Scott would walk back to the dorm, talking and sharing a genuine connection. It was a peaceful walk but suddenly, as they were walking, they bumped into Grian, one of Jimmy's good friends. Grian was not supposed to be here until next year, but he suddenly appeared and was joking and teasing like he always did. "Grian?!" Jimmy asked, surprised to see his friend here. "Dude, I thought you weren't going to college until next year?" "Well dear Timmy, I got bored all alone at Lizzie's house all by myself!" Grian joked, his signature cheeky attitude evident even in this situation. Jimmy just smiled, glad to see his friend even as they lay in the snow together. Jimmy brushed the snow off himself and got up, standing beside Scott. He then introduced Scott to his friend Grian, who had surprised him by suddenly appearing here. Grian was pleased to meet Scott and introduced himself as Jimmy's friend. He explained how he had been bored at home and found out Scar was also going to this college, so he decided to enroll and got in somehow. Jimmy laughed a little at his proud declaration, still feeling surprised and overwhelmed by the situation. "You really came here because of Scar?" Jimmy teased his friend, feeling like his friend was quite the funny and quirky guy. Grian wasn't bothered at all by this accusation, in fact, he almost took pride in it. "Yes so what?" He asked, not letting his friend's teasing get to him. Jimmy just smiled and nodded, not having anything else to say. "Well he seems nice." Scott said about Grian, and Jimmy smiled and replied "Don't worry about him, that's just how he is." 

As they entered the dorm, Scott quickly jumped onto his bed and made a joyful sound, exclaiming how much he missed the bed, implying that he had not had access to a bed of this level of comfort for a while. Jimmy could not help but laugh a little bit at Scott's energy and excitement, enjoying the playful atmosphere. He sat down next to the bed and watched as Scott rolled around a bit to get himself comfortable.  Scott was excited about their newly shared room and wanted to do something fun in it with Jimmy. He asked his new roommate if he would like to watch a movie, and Jimmy responded by saying "yeah, sure, why not?" Jimmy then got up and turned on the tv and started looking for something to watch. Meanwhile Scott watched from the bed and felt his heart flutter at how nice Jimmy was being. Jimmy had begun searching for a movie, but he was distracted by Scott gazing at him. He realised that the boy was lost in thought and his eyes were locked onto his. Jimmy felt his heart fluttering and his cheeks turned red as well. But he was not going to let this awkwardness distract him from being close to his new roommate, so he asked, "Wanna watch the Hunger Games?" Scott blushed heavily, thinking that Jimmy had noticed what his stares meant, but he was too flustered to argue. "Yeah, sure," Scott said, his blush turning even darker and his voice turning wobbly with nervousness. He didn't know what to say to Jimmy, the person he had been crushing on for months. Jimmy saw the sudden shift in Scott's , but he didn't say anything about it. He just smiled, feeling the butterflies in his stomach fluttering intensely as he felt Scott's gaze on him. 

Scott was lost in his thoughts, his mind spinning in a flurry of thoughts and feelings. He was still watching the movie, but his mind was not paying it much attention or noticing what was going on. Jimmy, however, was more in tune with Scott and saw his confusion. Instead of continuing to keep his distance, Jimmy put his arm around Scott's shoulders and pulled him closer to his body, still keeping his eyes on the screen. Scott leaned onto Jimmy's shoulder, allowing himself to be pulled closer to his friend's body. It felt nice to be close to him, and the heat coming off Jimmy's body felt like a warm, welcoming embrace. But Scott was tired and fell asleep, leaning his head under Jimmy's neck. Jimmy realised that Scott had fallen asleep immediately, and he was careful not to disturb him. He then carefully laid Scott down onto the bed and moved to his own bed, where he began to study for his classes before falling asleep himself. 

Scott's morning began with his roommate Jimmy making breakfast and getting himself ready for class. Jimmy looked over at him and wished him a good morning, letting Scott know that the breakfast was ready. Then Jimmy informed him that he would be leaving in less than 5 minutes for his class, which Scott was very grateful for indeed. "Thanks Jimmy, you're the best," Scott said with a light, friendly smile. He rubbed his eyes and sat down at the table to enjoy the delicious breakfast that Jimmy made. 

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