✿Kaiya Yoshida head-canons✿

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ꕥ On nights when Kaiya is unable to fall asleep she either quietly hums or sings a lullaby to herself to help make her fall fast asleep. This was a habit she picked up at a very young age where one of the girls in the orphanage she grew up in would often sing lullabies at night to help both herself and those around her fall asleep, Kaiya was one of these girls that would fall asleep to the sounds of the lullaby. Now Kaiya sings the lullaby's she remembers from her childhood to help her sleep and quite often if Lloyd is nearby or sleeping in the same bed as her he falls fast asleep at hearing the sound of the calming lullaby. This is a secret kept between the two lovers, the ninjas team have heard Kaiya singing lullabies but they don't realise that Kaiya is the one singing they all secretly asssume it's a ghost haunting the monastery humming lullabies on certain nights a year. Kaiya doesn't plan to reveal it's her humming any time soon and finds it funny when they all have a in depth discussion about the singing ghost haunting the monastery.

ꕥ Kaiya has a secret tatoo on the centre of her back just above her bra line, she got the tattoo after the events of Hunted to commemorate the victory the ninjas had over Lord Garmadon and Harumi. Her tattoo is of a small Chinese dragon, celebrating a positive change. Only a fair few of her friends know about the tattoo, Nya knew because she dragged her to be her comfort whilst getting the tattoo, Cole and Jay have only heard rumours of Kaiya having a tattoo, Zane and Kai have no clue Kaiya even has a tattoo and Lloyd found out on accident. Lloyd found out during one of their ✨intimate moments✨and her blond boyfriend caught a glimpse of the tattoo on her back, let's just say Lloyd was quite shocked and muttered a loud what the fuck when he discovered the tattoo and completely ruined the mood instead they had a long talk about the tattoo and how cool it is.

ꕥ Kaiya has a collection of tote bags that she uses on a bi-weekly basis, it's an unhealthy obsession the amount of tote bags she own and nothing the ninja can do will convince her to get rid of them. According to Kaiya they are her second most prized possession.

ꕥ She can curse like a sailor if she wanted too, she just choices not to because Kaiya heard a saying that cursing makes someone sounds less intelligent and she wants people to know that she's smart.

ꕥ Kaiya has insomnia, this is called the worry insomnia cycle. Based of my own research the cycle of this insomnia is that because of worry/anxiety the person finds it difficult to sleep causing them to get worried about not sleeping, then adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol are released into the body, causing the fight or flight nervous system response to be turned on resulting in the brain becoming alert and hyperviligent meaning she can't sleep. When this happens she usually does quiet stuff around the monastery or goes down to the hanger bay and hang out there for a bit. It's easy to tell the next day if Kaiya's slept or not because usually the next day she is unusually hyper as she is relying on coffee to keep herself going, one of the ninjas (Lloyd) has to physically drag her to bed when she gets like this.

ꕥ Kaiya used to idolise Clutch Powers, she owned his book, had a poster of him and even had a celebrity crush on him. This stopped after she found out Clutch wasn't how he presented himself of television and when she started to find out more about him personally she began hating him and after what happened on the uncharted island she absolutely loathes him. Lloyd was incredibly pleased when she started to hate Clutch because he didn't have to pretend to like him infront of her anymore.

ꕥ Lloyd taught Kaiya spinjitsu before she became Foxling, this was done to inhance her combat abilities. It took a lot of restraint for Kaiya not to use spinjitsu in the beginning stages of her being Foxling when no one knew her identity because if the brunette did use her spinjitsu ability it would feel like she was placing a big sign on her head which said 'look Lloyd it's me your girlfriend the one you taught spinjitsu I'm the person who's been helping you'.

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