Frozen help

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{I know it's summer but I've had this idea for months, pretend it's winter takes place after Crystalised.}

The sound of the howling wind blew from outside of the monastery and snow covered everything in sight succumbing the once green scenery into a white filled oasis. Everyone was inside apart from one, Kaiya was standing by the entrance of the monastery eagerly awaiting the arrival of someone yet there was a worried expression on her face. A figure stepped outside of the monastery and slowly walked towards Kaiya holding a cup of hot chocolate.

"He should have been back by now." Kaiya muttered, her eyes focusing on the snow covered scenery.

"I know dear." Mistako replied standing beside her, Kaiya flinched slightly at the soundless arrival of Mistako.

Kaiya anxiously nodded her head "I'm starting to get worried Mistako. It's getting really cold out." She shivered as she spoke her hands unconsciously tightening the jacket around her.

Mistako placed a hand onto Kaiya's back and handed her the hot chocolate.

"Drink this dear, it'll warm you up." Mistako soothed her eyes to looked at the steps as Kaiya gently grabbed the cup of hot chocolate from Mistako and placed it near her lip taking a sip.

"Thank you Mistako." Kaiya softly smiled, but her eyes still held the worried expression.

"Why don't you head inside Kaiya, warm up for a bit and I'll keep an eye out for Lloyd." She calmly insisted.

Kaiya instantly shook her head as a clear indication of no.

"I need to know he's okay." Kaiya spoke her voice below a whisper.

"You'll get sick dear if you stay out for too long, I will make sure to inform you and the guys if he returns." Mistako informed, pulling Kaiya away from the entrance slightly "head inside Kaiya."

Kaiya bit her lip to stop herself from protesting once again and hesitantly returned back in doors. Once again seeking the arrival of Lloyd. She walked into the living room where Kai, Cole, Jay and Nya all sat with a cup of hot chocolate in their hands while Zane, Pixel and Wu stood their eyes lingering at the floor. The moment Kaiya entered the room all eyes were on her.

"Anything?" Cole asks.

Kaiya shakes her head "Mistako said she'll look out for a while."

"Where could he be." Nya questions aloud.

Lloyd had gone out on a mission on a solo mission, he had left a note saying he'd be back before dinner. That was hours ago and they've heard nothing from him, they were all worried about him but couldn't leave the monastery because of the snow.

"he's probably found shelter and waiting for the snow to clear before heading home." Jay inquired attempting to lighten up the mood.

"Without calling in and telling us he's okay, likely chance." Kai bitterly replies.

Kaiya sighed slightly and sat herself onto the arm rest of the sofa, her hot chocolate still in hand.

"In the morning the ninjas will search for Lloyd, while the rest of us will ask locals if they've seen him." Wu instructed, he held a determined gaze in his eyes.

"if this snow clears up anytime soon." Pixel whispers.

"Great so he might have hypothermia by the time we find him, or he's fucking frozen." Kai hissed in anger.

"Kai!" Zane warns.

Kai inhales deeply "sorry." He mutters.

Silence filled the room, no one knew what to say to uplift the mood and break the terrible silence. However Jay soon came up with a way.

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