Therapy session

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Authors note- this idea came into my head while I was watching a episode of Georgia and Ginny (it's a 15 and on Netflix), also I hope to make this as accurate as possible as I have had counselling before so I understand and know how they work.

Oneshot is set after the never realm era but before the prime empire era. Lloyd and Kaiya are dating. 


"Hello, what's your name?" The therapist asked the blonde haired boy in front of her.

The room they were in had white walls with a light blue in the corners of the walls, two sofas opposite each other with lots of pillows on them, a table in-front of the sofa with stress toys and a clipboard.

"Lloyd." The man replied uncomfortably. The women smiled and wrote the name down onto a piece of paper in her hands.

"And how old are you Lloyd?" She asked


"Have you just turned twenty?" The therapist questioned.

"Um no my birthday was back in September." Lloyd responded.

The women wrote on the paper again and then she put it to the side.

"Alright Lloyd, my name is Lucy." Lucy smiled "why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"Oh um well I'm the green ninja, um I can't really think of anything sorry." Lloyd said sheepishly

"Don't worry about it, do you have any hobbies?" Lucy asked

"I like to read and practise spinjitsu." He responds, his eyes being glued to the floor.

"Do you have any friends? Perhaps a boyfriend or girlfriend." She questioned as she notices Lloyd fiddling with his green hoodie sleeve.

"Yeah I have five friends who I practically see as family, and I do have a girlfriend." Lloyd says with a little sparkle in his eyes at the mention of girlfriend. Lucy notices this.

"How long have you known your girlfriend for?" Lucy said as she examines his facial expressions.

"Oh um me and my girlfriend have been dating for eight months. I've however known my girlfriend ever since I was a child." Lloyd responds, smiling slightly.

"Now I'm wondering what was your childhood like?" Lucy asks almost immediately a look of regret appears on Lloyds face.

"It was alright." Lloyd spoke. The way he spoke those three words drew Lucy to not believe him.

"Do you have any fun childhood memories with your parents?" She asks.

"Um no, I was at a boarding school when I was a child." Lloyd answered.

"Did your parents ever visit you at your boarding school?" Lucy asks investigating into Lloyds past. She could sense something was wrong.

"No, my father if you noticed is Lord Garmadon and he wasn't around when I was a child and my mother was deep into her Archaeologists work and trying to stop the final battle with me and my father from happening." Lloyd responds his voice becoming quieter at the end.

"If I may ask which boarding school did they send you to?" Lucy questions.

"Darkleys." Was his only response, this raised many concerns in Lucy's head.

"Before or after the school was made into a school for good?"

"Before, I went there when it was known as Darkleys boarding school for bad boys." Lloyd specified. Lucy became increasingly worried.

Incandescently- Ninjago one shot/headcanonsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें