'Friendly' banter- 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬

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"Ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety nine bottles of beer. Ones taken down and passed around, ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall." Kaiya sang out-loud

Kai, Zane and Kaiya were trailing behind the Geckles who are purple coloured creatures that were forcefully serving under the skull sorcerer, however thanks to the Ninjas they alongside the Geckles enemies the Munce were freed and are now returning home. Unfortunately the Ninjas each got separated with Nya, Jay, Cole and Lloyd at an unknown location. The Geckles don't know they are there.

"This is not the time Kaiya for your stupid road songs!" Kai complains at Kaiya's antics.

"I'm trying to keep things optimistic, I don't see you trying now do I?" She replied in an annoyed tone.

"Ugh, are we just going in circles?" Kai exclaims looking around at the cave. It identical to the one they passed five minutes ago.

"I believe my internal gyroscopic positioning would alert me if that were the case." Zane informed.

Kai, Zane and Kaiya each walked in unison with one another listening intently to Zane. Well trying to.

"Okay, good." Kai sighed hopefully.

"I feel like there's a 'but' coming." Kaiya whispered to Kai. He rolled his eyes.

"Unless the rock in this cave is ferrous or naturally magnetized." Zane analysed the surroundings.

"Well, then what would happen?" Kai angrily asked.

"Then we would be going in circles."

"Oh for fuck sakes." Kaiya whined bringing her hands up to her face "bit late to the party isn't it."

"Oh, great. Now you tell us?" Kai agreed

Kai paused for a moment and took a closer look at the cave walls "Wait a second. I've seen this rock before. We passed this rock an hour ago! Argh, I knew it! I just said-"

Kai was interrupted by the Geckles singing. Horribly. Horribly singing.

"All Geckles hail. The savior of the cave. She was strong, she was tough, she was very, very brave. The great warrior Gilly. The savior of the cave. Left us the blades about which we rave. A great blade of ivory, stolen by greed. Soooo we won't give up until our blade is freed." They sang out loud.

"And you said I was annoying." Kaiya rolled her eyes at Kai. Kai flipped her off in response.

"The moss is particularly plumping juicy today. More moss milk for everyone! Huzzah!" One of the Geckles, Ginkle exclaimed proudly.

"Putrid and rotten! Delicious!" Garpo agreed looking at the 'drink'.

Groko nodded "There's so much today! We should have brought more buckets." As he walked down from the ladder he misplaced his foot and fell off the ladder, his bucket filled with the milk fell along side him.

The bucket fell ontop of Kai.

"It's in my mouth! It's in my- Ugh, It's in my mouth! On. I'm think I'm gonna barf. I think I'm-" Kai complained while he gagged and moments later threw up.

Kaiya gagged next to him.

"What the hell is in that!" Kaiya yelled at the purple liquid on the floor. She slowly moved away from it.

Kai continued to puke as Zane stared at the Geckles.

"Who are they?" One of them asked.

"Outsiders!" Another exclaimed pointing at them "They must be in league with the Skull Sorcerer."

Incandescently- Ninjago one shot/headcanonsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum