"It's a-"

In the distance of the Han River, I could hear people laughing and children running with their dogs. They were messing around and having a blast.

It was getting time for people to stroll in this popular place.

Jisung also looked around and tilted his head. I noticed that the interruption upset him a little bit.

Just by that, I knew this was not the right place to talk because I wouldn't know what his reaction could be.

Not the right place to release a bomb of such magnitude, right?

I ran a hand through my hair and then brought that same hand to my face.

I was dying inside. I knew this would not end well, but there was no way back.

I know Jinsu would have liked me to tell Jisung about this as soon as possible so he could watch his baby grow up.

I won't fail my precious cousin, and I won't hide this true to the person I've fallen in love with. I love both of them so much. They both are the most precious people I've known in this world and they deserve the truth.

"Hyunjin?" Jisung called out my name after he saw me struggling. His voice was pointing in my direction, meaning he stopped looking around to focus on me.

I removed my hand from my face and smiled faintly. I said after that, "Jisung, this is not an easy topic. It is very delicate... I need to tell you this in another place..."

"Why do you need to tell me...?" He questioned, with a strange tone of voice. He didn't sound mad but also not happy. "If- Well...if you want to tell me, then I'll listen... But, I don't think you really want to talk about that...maybe-"

I shook my head, "It's not that I don't want to talk about it, It's more that I'm scared of doing it..." I approached him, ruffled Su-jin's hair, and pinched those cute cheeks, earning a giggle from him. "Sooner or later you will find out, but I want you to find out because of me." This time I looked into his eyes, "Do you mind if we go to my place and talk there?"

"I don't mind..." Jisung answered right away. His response was automatic. Maybe he didn't even process what I was saying.

Jisung looked troubled. I knew he had a lot of questions, but thankfully, he didn't pressure me to tell him everything right there.

"Okay...then, let's go."

With that said, I told him to get inside my car and then drove us to my place.


Up to my house, I did not utter a single word. I was silent.

I avoided looking in his direction. I was so scared to even meet Jisung's eyes.

But I eventually gave up, and when I did, I noticed something.

His eyes were set on someone and never took his eyes away from him.

He was observing Su-jin with a soft expression. Maybe feeling concerned by the truth he just found out.

I knew he was wondering why I was telling him that Su-jin was not my son at that moment, but he might as well have been wondering who the father or mother was or perhaps the story of this cute baby.

My hands began sweating. I was getting nervous the more we approached my place.

Once we arrived, I opened his door so he could get out of the car with Su-jin in arms.

Su-jin was giggling and kicking his cute feet. He was so happy to return home because from afar Kkami's bark was heard.

"Ji-dada~~ Ami~" Su-jin started babbling.

Love Never Existed - HyunsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora