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That first day of meeting Jinsu, I took her on a date.

I wanted to compensate her for not visiting her as I promised and for all the effort she made to look for me, so I told her I would be doing whatever she wanted me to do.

I never expected Jinsu would be going through so much trouble just to find a random guy she met at a party, but I have to admit she just appeared at a very crucial moment of my life.

On that date we took after my shift, I got to know more about her persona.

As she said before, her family was an accommodated one. According to what she said, they sound quite wealthy.

Jinsu was an only child. Her parents loved her and overprotected her too much, but they also let her do what she wanted. After Jinsu turned six years old, her parents had business to attend to outside the country, which resulted in little Jinsu being practically alone in Korea. They couldn't take Jinsu with them because they didn't want to neglect her, so they left her with close relatives. Her parents only came for Christmas or other important gatherings during the year. At least twice a year, she told me, but there were times when they never showed up, and just video called her daily.

Jinsu, the one who always grew up under the care of her parents, had to be brave enough and let her relatives take care of her for some time.

Once she turned old enough, she started to take care of herself and also take care of that big house that her parents entrusted her.

Even though Jinsu had employees that worked for the maintenance of the house, she liked to do everything by herself and only called them to clean for her when she got sick, school packed her with a lot of projects or she was simply feeling down.

The family breathes and eats from the business. Business runs in their veins. However, Jinsu is different. She doesn't like that world. Actually, she loves kids, and for the same reason, she is studying to become an elementary teacher, something I found quite suitable for her since she is so sweet and caring.

As she was telling me everything about her, I also told her a little bit about me, my brother, my current situation with my studies, and other small things that had to do with my background.

When Jinsu got to know about the situation with my studies, she immediately offered me her help. She said she could get me to the same college she is studying at if I wanted, but I immediately denied the offer.

I didn't even want to receive the help of my brother, of course, I wouldn't be receiving the help of someone I just met.

Jinsu came from a wealthy family, and I was from a poor one. Whoever knew about that would think I was taking advantage of her. So, I changed the topic and led it to somewhere else.

Since she was telling me everything about her so sincerely, I also did the same.

While talking and talking, I found out that she was a good listener, a soft girl with no bad ambition, with a strong heart, and full of tenderness. You could speak with her so peacefully that the hours passed, and you never noticed it.

Actually, I didn't notice how late it was until I saw that we were the only ones in that restaurant I took her to.

Tomorrow was going to be my free day at both jobs, but still, it was very late for her to be outside, I assumed. So, I offered to walk her home.

"Ji, please~~"

"Jinsu...I already told you-"

"Aaahh~~ please,"

"I can't do that..."

"You said tomorrow is your free day and it is also mine!"

"Yes, I know, and as I told you before, we can see each other tomorrow, but I cannot stay over in your house!"

Love Never Existed - Hyunsungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें