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Hyunjin POV

Several years had passed since the last time I saw that cute guy in Jeju.

In these years, I had graduated from my major in business management -something I hate, but something that mom wanted-. I got a good position in the business of the Hwang family. I bought a car, and in my very first month of working, I could afford to buy a big apartment for myself and Kkami, something I had been yearning for since I was too young. Not the apartment, but to be free of the hand of my crazy mother.

In these years, there have been a lot of changes. I could say I matured in a lot of aspects.

I woke up earlier, something that cost me a lot. I eat more healthily and do exercise more regularly. In the mornings, I take Kkami for a walk and then I go to the gym before going to work.

In the afternoon, I spend it in the apartment doing what I like, which is painting, reading romantic novels and watching interesting new dramas. On the weekends I go to different places with my friend Chan to take pictures and buy unnecessary things that I think will look good in my place, but at the end I forget to get them out of their bags.

As you can see, I'm doing fine in pretty much all aspects of my life. But... Did you hear me mention anything about love?

Yes? No?


I didn't mention it, and that is because I hadn't let anyone enter my heart.

There have been a bunch of guys that wanted to be something with me, but I rejected every single one of them.

The reason of this?

That cute guy from Jeju?

Yes. He is definitely the reason.

Ever since I crossed paths with him, I hadn't had eyes for anyone else.

I know this might sound stupid. All those years thrown to a trash can for someone that you didn't even know.

I know, but if you were on my feet, you would also have done the same. I can assure you that.

He left an empty spot in my heart, and I see no future when this is going to be filled once again.

Up until now, I still can't help but look at my surroundings when I go out of my place, thinking that perhaps, I could meet him any day.

Sometimes I don't even take my car and just go by foot or take the bus or subway because I sensed I could see him that day.

Sometimes I take Kkami, give him the white jade ring to smell it and see if he can recognize him somewhere.

Unfortunately, I had been using that ring ever since I got it. It now has my scent, so it's impossible for Kkami to find that cute guy for me.

I know. I sound kind of pathetic. It is so sad my life in that field.

And I feel sadder when winter arrives.

The feeling in that season is so deep and heartbreaking.

This is because in this season is when I saw Jinsu with her boyfriend for the very first time.

Being so happy with the one she loves. With that guy, she struggled a lot to get his heart, but in the end, her hard work paid it off.

I told Jinsu not to tell this to anyone, but when she finally told me a small portion of her beautiful story with that guy, I cried.

Yes, I cried in front of her. I got so emotional and so happy for her that tears streamed down my eyes.

All her story was so perfect. The way he confessed. The way they treated each other. The way both of them couldn't live separated from the other not even for a second.

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