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Hyunjin POV

"Mom, I'll be with Chan hyung today. I'll take Kkami with me too, so he is not going to bother you with your work."

"That's so considerate on your part, Hyunjin-ah. Thank you for taking that little...ummm...rat-"

"It's a dog, not a rat..."

"Ah yeah...that. Anyway. Be careful on your way out. Also, say 'hi' to Chan for me. Don't give his parents too much trouble, okay? Always behave."

"Yes, I know, mom. I'm going now."

Ever since I met Chan hyung, he has become like my real big brother.

We both are only children, so we understand each other very well.

When I have nothing to do, or like...umm—when sometimes I get bored in my house, I go to his place. This is more often than my mother wishes to happen.

She would like me to hang out with the sons of her wealthy friends, but I don't like them. They are quite fake.

I have friends of my age and all, but they are so immature, so I like to spend more time with Chan hyung than them or anyone else.

Chan's hyung's parents are really nice too. I like them a lot.

They both travel very often, and sometimes they take us to some of the places they go around Korea. They are like my second family, and I am like their second son.

For instance, this summer vacation, we will go to Jeju island. I'm looking forward to it because it's my first time being there.

That's why I came here. Just to annoy my friend about it.

"You came, little bro~ I thought you got scolded for not using the right spoon this time~," he teased me when I entered his house.

"Ugh! That would be the last straw. Believe me, that almost happened last week." I said while handing Kkami to him. "Don't bother me with those things this early...I'm not in the mood to talk about it..."

"Aww! You brought Kkami~," he said excitedly as soon as he saw my little dog, "come with uncle Chan-ie~,"

"Yeah, I brought him because I didn't want to leave him in the house with those two," I said while running a hand through my hair. "Kkami hates my mother like you have no idea..."

Chan sucks his teeth in annoyance. "Don't get angry, Hyunjin. What did I tell you?"

"To not bother with meaningless matters..."

"That's right. One day you will be free of her control, man. Just don't overstress. You know I will always support you in any possible way. Don't forget about it..."

"Thank you, hyung. You are really always there for me..."

"That will always be the case, little bro~ Now, let's get back to business!"

"Oh, yeah~,"


We left every unnecessary subject aside so we could have some fun on our first day of summer vacation.

We talked about our day and how our week went so far. Chan played with Kkami until the latter got tired and stopped messing around.

When we finished, we headed to his room. Even if I didn't play with Kkami, it exhausted me to see them run all over the house and backyard. So, I plopped down on the bed as if it was me, the one who deserved the rest.

After a comfortable thirty minutes of silence, I sat up in the bed and started to whine at my friend.

"Hyung~~ I need those vacations to come quickly~~ Do something~~," I said out of nowhere.

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