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My yells were heard all over the airport.

Chan and a bunch of people looked at me like I was a type of mad man.

I couldn't help it. Reading that note, having a small present from the person that stole my heart was something that sent me right to the heavens.

I mean, he didn't get mad. He thanked me instead!

Also, he took the time to put these two things inside my pocket. He was careful not to wake me up.


"Huh? What? From whom?"

My scene was soon interrupted by my friend.

He came over to see why I was making such a fuss.

And how not to? I was being so loud.

"What is that? What does it say?"

I hid the objects behind my back and laughed nervously, "hahaha, nothing,"

"Nothing?" He raised an eyebrow suspiciously, "you shouted and squealed like your crush just pass around-"

"Pffff! I didn't."

"Yes, you did-"

Chan stopped in his tracks, and I knew why.

He has an online friend he has always talked to, so whenever that guy connects, Chan receives a special notification.

Notification that interrupted his inquiry. So, with this, he ignored me and went away to play on his phone, completely discarding his curiosity of my sudden behaviour.

Chan hyung and that guy are only friends, however, Chan hyung acts like God was the one that connected every time. Still, he says that I am the romantic one. How pathetic he can be.

Chan hyung is very special with his 'love' business that is why I never interrogate him with those subjects. He is reserved in that matter.

Even if he doesn't say it, I know he has a fragile heart that can be easily broken. That is why I never tease him about that guy he met online. He swears that they are friends, but I think Chan not only sees him in that way.

Well, putting that subject aside, that doesn't concern me, I went back to my business.

I have a big problem.

I met a cute guy during these vacations. I saw him almost everywhere in Jeju. We had this encounter on the airplane. We talked for a moment. He slept with me–

That last thing doesn't sound right.

I helped him to sleep more comfortably.

This sounds better.

And he gave me a package of jellies and a small note.

Does this count as a love story?

I'm pretty sure that yes.

Should I let my heart fall in love?


Why not?

For one simple reason; He has a boyfriend.

As we were going back home, I kept putting all these questions in my head, trying to think that this was not just a mere coincidence but something deeper.

When I arrived at my home, Kkami was sleeping in my room.

I carefully lied beside him and stayed there talking to myself.

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