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"So, this is the young lady that made my honey bun have a sleepover yesterday night?" Changbin hyung commented after knocking at my opened door.

"Hyung...you came..."

I have been lying on my bed for an hour now. Jinsu has been with me ever since I came up as well.

Jinsu tried to have the previous conversation we were having in the kitchen, but when she saw that I was getting upset -not really-, she stopped and just lay next to me, hugging and pouting at me until she made me laugh.

"Honey bun?" Jinsu sat up from my bed and looked at me and Changbin hyung with a confused expression, "why did you call Ji honey bun?"

My brother chuckled, "I guess he hasn't told you about it, huh? Well, let me tell you why. I'm willing to fill you up with that information..."

"No, you are not willing, hyung." I warned my brother, and this just winked at me before entering my room and putting the bags of food on my lap.

"I bet she wants to know, am I right, Miss Jinsu?"

"Oh! Yes!" She stood up swiftly and left my side. "I want to know why!"

Jinsu and Changbin hyung started to introduce themselves as they were walking to the entrance of my room. While they were doing that, I started rummaging through the bags of food my brother brought.

I heard how they shared some words and laughs before my brother called me downstairs to have dinner altogether.

My brother and Jinsu clicked right away and soon both of them were teasing me for a very embarrassing memory of my childhood.

"Ji~~ so, that is why your brother calls you 'honey bun'? That is soooo cuteeee~~,"

"Yah!" I narrowed my eyes at Changbin hyung, "why did you tell her that? That was supposed to be a secret, hyung..."

"Hahaha, Jinsu will keep it. She promised it..." He laughed.

"I know, but I don't know why you also-"

"Honey bun, bun, bun... Honey bun, bun, bun... I want a kiss and a bun from my Changbin hyung-"

"HWANG JINSU!!!" I hurried to cover her mouth when I heard her repeating that tune, "Stop singing that!"

"Aahhhh~~ Why?~~ Hahahahaha~~" Jinsu burst into laughter as she turned around to throw in my arms to hug me. "You are so cute and sweet~ I can't get that song out of my head. It's so catchy. I can picture you singing that in a bus stop waiting for your big brother to come and pick you up or aaahhh~~ I can picture a lot of scenarios where you could sing it~~" she kept whining with imaginary scenarios that I'm not sure if they really happened or not.

Not only her, but my brother also joined her. So this time, I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.

Changbin hyung just told Jinsu the story behind the sweet name he gave me.

When I was four years old, Changbin hyung used to work with an uncle of ours that had a very small and humble bakery store.

My uncle taught my brother, who was still too young, how to get money. Also, how to defend himself in life in order to take care of me.

One of the first things he learned was to make honey buns. That was the specialty of my uncle and aunt's small business.

They were good at baking, but running a business when you have no money to invest is quite difficult. So, since the business was not so good at that time, they had to go outside and sell the product on the streets. Only in this way, they could sell everything they made.

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