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Raising a baby was not something I was planning to do in my life, and least when this one was my own cousin.

If it wasn't because my uncle asked me for this favor with tears in his eyes and kneeling, I wouldn't have ever accepted it.

Because yes. I agreed to raise Su-jin.

For how long? I don't know. My uncle didn't tell me until when I would be having this important task.

Do I care? Not really.

Am I worried? Surprisingly not.

I had never been in charge of a baby, but here I am, learning every day how to hold a newborn properly.




"Yes, Chan hyung?"

My friend, who came over for the ninth time this week, said, "look at me..."

He had been trying to have a conversation with me, but I hadn't given him the attention he wanted. I have my eyes set on my little cousin, the one that is resting peacefully in my arms.

"What, hyung?" I inquired. I finally spared him some attention as I saw Su-jin cutely yawning and closing his eyes. He was so sleepy.

With a cold expression, Chan hyung blurted out in my face, "you must be kidding me, man..."


Chan hyung pinched the bridge of his nose as if he was really done with me, "come again... Why did you accept this?!"


"This!!!" He said hysterically while pointing at Su-jin and all the products of babies that are scattered around my room.

"Ah...you mean- Oh...well...I already told you, hyung. It's because my uncle asked me for a favor..."

"A favor?! A favor is to lend five won to someone or pick them up when they need to arrive on time somewhere else. Raising someone else's son can't be considered a mere favor!"

I sighed. I was really tired.

For the past few days, this conversation hasn't seemed to come to an end. My friend has been asking me the same, but I don't know what else to tell him.

I think I was pretty clear while telling him all the things I witnessed that time the Hwang family reunited to discuss the matter in regards to Jinsu and Su-jin, but he is more worried about me raising a baby.

What's so weird about it?

"Hyung...a favor is a favor... It doesn't matter what it is implied, you know...?"

"Hyunjin...why are you so relaxed about this?! I mean...you have zero experience on this, buddy...you could have said no and suggested to your uncle to ask your mom to take care of Su-jin instead...that would be more reasonable-"

I scrunched my nose when I heard the last suggestion. Just the idea seemed absurd to me.

"Why would I do such a terrific thing to Su-jin?"

Chan hyung stopped in his tracks. He seemed to feel guilty for saying that now that the suggestion was in the air.

I retook the conversation. "Besides, I already accepted, hyung. Believe me, Su-jin will be better with me than with any other member of the family like my uncle said. I can do this task."


"I mean...look at me..." I said while placing Su-jin on the bed as I patted his tummy for comfort. "Do you see this? He is now asleep. I'm doing well. It's been a week already, and I am doing fine in almost everything in regard to this baby. My uncle had been sending me Jinsu's personal doctor one hour per day to instruct me in the care of Su-jin, and I'm learning pretty fast. The doctor also told me that if I ever get in trouble with Su-jin or I just want to rest, she could take him some nights on my behalf. Uncle is aware of that. So, everything is fine... Stop overthinking this, hyung..."

Love Never Existed - HyunsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora