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Jisung POV


Yes, that word defines me to some extent.

I would rather stay home, read a good book, or watch a good movie by myself than go out with someone.

Even though I am this reserved, I have a couple of friends that I like to hang out with from time to time. I can be funny and a comfortable person to hang out with too.

I tend to be really clinging to the people I care about a lot. Especially with my brother, and my closest friends.

In my free time, I used to read a lot. My favorite books were romance and fiction.

I have always known what I want and how to behave in society. I know myself, and I love myself.

Or that's what I thought...

My whole world changed drastically when I met Hyun-su. He was the opposite of me. Like two completely different worlds.

That guy was an extreme extrovert. A problematic guy that liked to be in fights, get drunk and get high. Although, this last thing, I discovered it until very late.

I was in my late seventeen when I met this guy. He was friends with an acquaintance of mine. That's all I knew about him.

We casually met in the summer when we were on vacation. He was carrying some books in his left hand.

That called my attention, so I started a conversation with him, asking about the books and the authors.

Soon we found out that we had a lot in common, and that made me happy.

Hyun-su was a funny person, very romantic, and full of energy. He had a special charisma that removed my insides.

When we were in our small reunions, he used to do a lot of stupid things just to make me laugh or call my attention. That is how he started to win my heart. Little by little.

He wrote poems, letters, and a few verses to express what he felt for me the first time we met.

Hyun-su was really good with words. He knew exactly how to make me fall for him, and I eventually did it without notice.

It was the first time I fell for someone that hard.

I liked a lot of guys and even dated ones before Hyun-su, but I never let anyone get close to me. I was scared to get in a real relationship like anyone else.

But not with him.

Hyun-su was different.

He made me discover a Han Jisung that I never thought I could be.

This guy made me dig in my deepest self and find someone incredible. Someone that had been sleeping there since who knows when.

As time was passing, I soon realized how reserved I was. Completely different from Hyun-su.

And that started to worry me.

That worried me because I liked him. I liked him a lot, and for that reason, I tried to change.

I started to drink and smoke in order for him to like me more because those were things that Hyun-su liked to do. And in my stupidity, I thought that was a good idea.

That was my first mistake.

It was a stupid decision I took. However, it worked. He liked me more and more every time.

He loved this character I created. The one that was an extrovert and liked to get drunk whenever he wanted.

Soon the both of us started to escape from our circle of friends just to be the two together, drinking and smoking, reading books, talking about life, and of course, talking about how much we liked each other.

Love Never Existed - HyunsungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora