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As soon as I entered my room, Hyun-su showered me with complaints, "Yah! Why did you take so long?! You said you would be quick!!"

"I'm sorry," I chuckled, "I took longer than expected. But, I'm finally here..."

"Tsk! I bet you did it on purpose just to make me suffer..."

It was funny how Hyun-su was hiding just behind the door in case someone else came to my room.

"You said it was going to be quick, Ji~~" he whined and went towards me to hug me, "my lower half now is going to hurt because I suppressed it... It will fall off, and that will be your fault~~!"

"HAHAHA! It won't fall off, silly!" I said while locking the door and gently pushing him from my body, "come on! Let me see it..." I examined his body and saw that his lower half went back to normal. "I'm glad it's like this now..."


"I have to admit that this time I provoked you," I admitted, "but right now, I don't want to do that. Can we just lay in bed, hugging each other?"

Hyun-su stared at me for some seconds before nodding.

I went to my laptop and played some music. Not with the purpose, my brother warned me, but because I felt like it.

Then I went towards my boyfriend. "Let's rest for a moment," I said while pecking his lips.

"Alright..." He said while slowly pushing me towards my bed.

My boyfriend wrapped me in his arms while slowly kissing my neck and cheeks from time to time.

We didn't speak about anything in particular. We just lay in bed listening to the music and feeling the touch of the other.

The night came soon. It was time for him to go, so we sat up in bed.

He has been in my house since very early. Just like him, I don't want to let him go, but he has to. Besides, my brother won't let him stay here. That's a rule he put me on.


When Hyun-su and I were walking downstairs, I spotted my brother in the living room, working on his laptop, just like he told me he would be doing it.

I gulped when I saw Changbin hyung there. I thought he would be working on his room. I never expected him to be here.

That only means one thing. He will surely say something mean to Hyun-su. I can bet on that.

"Hey, Changbin hyung," Hyun-su greeted my brother while amicably waving his hand.

Ugh! Great! Give him more reasons to hate you..!

I mentally facepalmed by the honorifics.

The older one stopped looking at his laptop and glared at Hyun-su. "I'm not your hyung," the annoyance that his sentence held was enough for Hyun-su and me to shiver.

My brother can be very intimidating. And that gaze he has is one of a murderer. I swear I'm thankful to heaven for putting him as my brother and not my enemy in this life.

"Ji..." Hyun-su turned his eyes in my direction, pulling my hand, "what did I do now?"

I pouted at Changbin, "Hyung~~ don't be mean, please. He is going home now..." I said while looking at my brother with pleading eyes.


"Please, hyung..."

"Tsk!" Changbin hyung stood up from the couch and shot me a disapproving look. He didn't even dare to spare a glance at Hyun-su.

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