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My mother and Jisung met.

My mother and Jisung met..

My mother and Jisung met...



They must be kidding me!

The sweetest guy on earth and that woman?

NO...no...that's so fucking random!!!

As you can guess, my shaken state, eventually, came to an end.

Jisung kept scolding me for staring at him like that. I didn't know I actually did it until he hit my head with that black fan more than three times in a row.

I had to promise him that I wouldn't be spacing out or staring at him like that if he put that fan aside.

I swear the way he hit me was so gentle, but my dramatic ass always whined at the hit.

Why am I like this?! This is so embarrassing.

Su-jin-ah, this is your fault!!

We made a bow, and soon, each one of us complied with their parts. I neither stared, and he didn't hit me. That was a good deal.

The next thing I did was question Jisung about all the inquiries that came to my mind.

For instance, "why were you in the Hanok Village helping foreign people?" "Is that your work?" "How did my mom convince you of teaching her son in his house?" "What did my mom tell you about me?" Etc...

As Jisung was replying to each one of my questions, we sat up at the bar of the kitchen.

He seemed tired, so I offered him food and water.

He just took the water and declined the food, saying that he had already eaten. After that, he took off one of his robes along with the hat and placed them nicely on an empty seat.

Apparently, and according to what he said, my mother followed Jisung all over the place, almost sticking to his hip. It wasn't like she said that she casually found him on his break. What a liar my mom is.

A thing that surprised me here is how Jisung described my mother. It was as if he was describing someone unknown to me. Nothing of what he said matched the person my mother is.

Jisung used the words 'sweet' and 'nice' in a sentence that included my mother. That was the weirdest thing I ever heard about her. Because 'sweet' and 'nice' are the two last things that woman is.

My mother is a person of etiquette. She is so arrogant, but at the same time correct. She is superficial and cares about other people's wealth.

Pretty much like her friend; Jinsu's mother. But not that much. My aunt cares more about those things. Perhaps because they are the head of the Hwang's. Or she is simply stupid because my uncle and Jinsu don't care about those things.

My mother, at least, has never had a problem with the guys I've dated. Well, I have never given her any problem with that matter. I never took anyone home nor introduced anyone to her. She knows I'm into guys, but she has never told me anything about it.

Jinsu, on the contrary, really had a problem. Ever since she was so little, her mother prohibited her from having a boyfriend. The main reason was that she was a girl and the second one was because her mother needed to give her approbation before she dated someone.

Maybe this has nothing to do with money, but with gender. Jinsu is a girl, and well, a girl needs more protection, right? There are a lot of clever guys that just want to eat their delicate flowers and then throw them into the trash as if nothing happened.

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