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"Hyunjin! What the-"

"Don't curse, hyung! Don't curse! We have a baby here!"

"Sorry, sorry! I forgot about Su-"


"Why are suddenly laughing?"

"Hahahahaha, I almost killed myself~~"

"Hyunjin? Are you okay?"

"Huh? What's going on, honeybun?"

Tremendous scandalous I caused when I got out of the kitchen.

It was on purpose. Not that I was falling because I tripped on the edge of the door.

I knew exactly what Jisung's brother wanted to say, so I needed to intervene. He recognised the resemblance between Jisung and Su-jin.

Also, Jisung mentioning Jinsu just like that would be causing Chan hyung to suspect everything.

I couldn't manage both parts. I just couldn't. So, if acting like a fool would stop or delay this bomb, then I would do everything in my hands to delay it.

"Are you okay, Hyunjin?" Jisung asked concerned when he saw Chan hyung pulling me up from my arm.

I was just one inch from the floor.

The act of falling was too real for everyone.

Tsk! I even fooled myself.

"Yeah, I'm sorry! I don't know what happened. I'm so clumsy today, hahaha..."

Jisung chuckled and shook his head when he noticed that I was okay. That bright smile made his brother look at him in awe.

Changbin's gaze was interesting. It gave me the feeling he hadn't seen his little brother smile like that in a while.

"Are you sure just today?" Jisung quipped while raising an eyebrow. "Should I count the times you've been this clumsy?"

My cheeks blushed hard. Those countless times I've been embarrassing myself in front of him are not a joke.

It kind of saddens me that Jisung has only known my goofy side. In the past, and even in the present.

My reputation couldn't be more ruined in front of him. I swear I am my enemy.

I rubbed the back of my neck in pure instinct. My face felt so hot, and I knew everyone could see it. With my light skin, it's impossible not to notice when I am blushing.

Changbin was looking at me with an unreadable expression. He was quietly observing the interaction between his brother and me. 

And just then I noticed we hadn't said hi.

"Changbin hyung..." I called out.

I smiled at him and bowed. It's been a while since I saw him.

I think only at that time in the club we met. The rest of the time I had more interaction with his little brother than him. I also know a few things Chan hyung has told me about him.

Having a baby it's not easy. My life goes around Su-jin. I do have not much time to mingle in other people's lives.

"Hey..." Jisung's brother greeted back without a single expression of joy on his face.

I don't know why, but the way he greeted me was so dry. As if he wasn't happy to see me.

I blinked repeatedly in confusion. I think I missed something while I was spacing out.

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