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An unknown number of minutes have passed since I've been in this situation; struggling, whining, and dying.

I tried to snap out of my shock at least three times, unsuccessfully. I was really nervous. But I eventually did it on the fourth try.

I relaxed and tried to be subtle while watching him. I wanted to see him first. To have a good look at that cute guy that stole my heart in the most wonderful place in the world.

Seeing him here for the first time in Seoul makes me feel less crazy. For some nights, I almost believed that he was a creation of Jeju. A wonderful tale that just resided on that island.

The cute guy has his left hand resting on one of his cheeks while looking at his right, the opposite where I was sitting. So far, he hasn't noticed my presence or acknowledged that I even exist.

He has been looking in a specific area of the nightclub ever since he ordered his first drink.

A drink that by now I know is water.

The waiter called it the usual for some reason. Apparently, this cute guy has been ordering water for a while now.

This person seems to be distracted. The waiter has been trying to have a conversation with him, but he only nods or replies humming. No matter what the waiter says, what he is looking at seems more interesting than anything.

After analyzing this behavior for a while, I got curious to know what he was looking at.

Without thinking more in the matter, I turned in that direction, following the sight his eyes were following.

In this nightclub there is nothing interesting to look at. Everywhere you looked there were people. So I was already expecting him to be looking at someone. And my guess was on point.

On the other side of the place, a person was sitting at an empty table. It was the only table I could see from where I was sitting, but it was pretty obvious the cute guy was looking at that specific person.

At that table, a girl was sitting. This girl was alone. All by herself. From my perspective, she seemed like not the type of girl that is an extrovert. The way she was looking at her surroundings as if she was anxious and shy told me that.

She seemed to be waiting for someone or more than looking for someone. Either way was hard to guess.

The more I looked at her, the more I confirmed my suspicion of not being an extrovert. She clearly looked timid. She couldn't stop fidgeting with her fingers and tapping her legs on the floor.

I could tell she was pretty, with refined features and delicate structure.

I don't know why but for a split second the face of my cousin Jinsu flashed in my mind. It was as if that girl just brought the memory of my cousin to me.

It's not like they were alike, but for a first sight you could tell they resemble the other in some things, but after the second look, you would tell they were completely different.

Maybe it was just me for missing her so much. I still don't know anything about her, and there is not a single day where I don't have her in my mind.

I just wonder why she hasn't contacted me yet. Even her little brother turned one year old, and she hasn't met him.

After having this feeling and these thoughts, I turned my attention back to the cute guy.

He still had his eyes set on that specific girl.

The way he was looking at her was hard to read.

His stare was fixed on her, but it was a warm stare. A soft one.

Love Never Existed - HyunsungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant