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Hyunjin POV

"Hyunjin, honey. Stop going out without taking your phone with you! Chan was looking for you just now..."

"Huh? Ah...yeah...I'm sorry, auntie... I'll call him right now, or he will get mad at me..."

It was another time in Jeju island.

But now with me, understanding, why Kkami was whimpering so much in the cute guy's embrace that night.

It's been months since the last time he came to Jeju.

I have come here almost every month, but he is never around.

The only person I've seen here is that stupid boyfriend of his.

I see him come and go to Seoul, and also...I've seen him with other guys.

I don't know what happened between them, but I'm guessing they are no longer in a relationship.

Just the thought of it makes me happy, but I also feel worried for that cute guy. I don't know if he is okay or if he is going through something complicated.

I know nothing about him.

My heart is not the only one suffering. Kkami is taking this way too badly.

He keeps going to all those spots where he used to hang out with him. Kkami lies on the ground and keeps on whimpering until the night falls down.

He is depressed. Maybe that cute guy told him something about not coming here in a while. Dogs are smart and understand human language unlike us that cannot understand them.

When I bring him back to Chan's house, he starts smelling or licking that white jade ring on my finger. Kkami misses that cute guy as much as I do.

No wonder how much his presence in our lives affected us. Just as he arrived unexpectedly, he also disappeared in the same way, leaving us broken-hearted.

"Hyunjin, by the way, you have missed calls from your cousin..." Chan hyung's mother commented as she went to the kitchen. "I think it is important. You should return the call, honey..."

"My cousin?" I asked while getting up from the floor. I was cleaning Kkami's paws to let him in, "Which one?"

"The only nice and sweet person you have in your family," she chuckled while pointing where my phone was, "does that ring a bell to you?"

"Ohhhh, you mean her?" I laughed, "that's definitely her."

"That's right. I- umm... I think you should call her right now. The phone has been ringing unstoppable. Even Chan got worried that is why he went out to look for you."

"Oh, don't worry. I know exactly what she wants. It's not something you should get worried about. They are some girl things. But I will be calling her right now, auntie. Thank you!"

"You're welcome, sweetie. Oh- call Chan first, please! I'll need his help to prepare dinner today~"

"Yes, I will, ma'am!"

I took my phone, Kkami, and went to our room.

I felt kind of worried that my cousin was calling me so desperately. I knew what she wanted but, still, got me concerned.

Her name is Jinsu. Hwang Jinsu. She is the daughter of my dad's brother.

Jinsu and I were born and raised separately.

Our family is very strict when it comes to bloodline, status, and all of those meaningless things.

When my dad left my mom, all the Hwang family gave their backs to my mother. Something that made my mother hate them and for the same reason to hate my last name and everything in regards to my father. Things that made my mother act the way she does with me. But that's another story.

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