^Part 15^

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(Izuku's POV)

I slowly woke up and looked around to see Hitoshi playing something on a computer.As I was lost in thought about yesterday night I get pulled from my thoughts by Hitoshi turning around and coming towards me.

Hitoshi: Morning.


Hitoshi: how did you sleep? Last night you fell asleep on me ,so I layed you on the bed.

Me:S-sorry I fell a-asleep on you. A-also I slept g-good.

Hitoshi:that's good let's go to the kitchen dad and papa ar- .(BANG)

I flinched and backed away from Hitoshi a bit.

Hitoshi: Hey it's ok it was probably just dad or papa dropped something!

Hitoshi slowly came closer and sat next to me petting my ears causing me to purr and calm down a bit.

Hitoshi: Your ready to go to the kitchen?


We got up and went to the kitchen seeing Aizawa at the table and Yamada walking with four plates of pancakes.I got nervous seeing how many pancakes were on my plate.I got lost in my thought I hadn't realized all of us were sitting at the table.

Hitoshi: *whisper* Izu you don't have to eat all of it just try to eat a little bit.

I nodded in response and began playing with my food.

Yamada: do you guys like it? I haven't made chocolate pancakes before ,so I don't know if I did anything wrong.

Aizawa: they're fine just too sweet

Yamada: Sho you say everything with chocolate is too sweet. How about you two?

I slowly picked up a small piece of pancake and put it in my mouth.I surprisingly did not have to vomit after the first bite. 

Hitoshi:It's really good!

Me: m-mhm!

Yamada: thank you !

After eating a few more bites I looked at Hitoshi a bit scared what would happen if I didn't finish .

Hitoshi:*whisper* It's ok you ate a little more than last time so that's good! 

He then took my plate and put the rest of my pancakes in a small container and out it in the fridge for later.He then came back and continued eating.After a few minutes he got up again took his plate and washed it in the sink then came back. We both went to the couch and talked a bit until Aizawa and Yamada came in and began talking.

Yamada: we have some serious things we need to talk about neither of you are in trouble but it's serious.

I could hear the seriousness in his tone I got a bit scared.

(Hitoshi's POV)

Me and Izuku were talking about random things til dad and papa came in and began talking.

Papa: we have some serious things we need to talk about neither of you are in trouble but it's serious.

I never heard Papa use that tone unless it is very serious ,so I began thinking what it could be about.

(480 words)

I hope you enjoy this part and have a great day/night and I will put the next part up soon. Also HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone!

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