^Part 12^

496 12 4

( Izuku's POV)

All the terrifying  memories I had in that room came back.Before I knew it I was on the ground.The stuff in the box was on the ground and my mind kept played every memory of me and my mother.I felt warm liquid running down my face. Hitoshi and Denki came over to me and started speaking but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Denki:Izu! What's wrong ?!Please talk to us and tell us what's wrong!

I slowly felts hands be placed in my head and begin to mess with my curls and ears.I start purring and begin to relax.

(Shinso's POV)

Me and Denks  were waiting for Zuku to come out so we can all head to the car together.While we were waiting a bit further from his room I hear a thud.I grab Denks hand and run over to where Zuku  was.

Denks:What's wrong!? Please talk to us and tell us what's wrong!

Me:I have an idea but back up a bit and maybe pick up some of the stuff he dropped.

As soon as I said that denks moved away and began picking up Izu's stuff that he dropped.I began to move towards Izu and as soon as I got close enough I sat down and began playing with his ears and hair.

I hear izu begin to purr and feel him relax a bit.

Me:hey izu do you mind telling us what happened? It's alright if you don't want to.

I ask making sure not to pressure him into tell me or denks.I see him begin pointing to a door that is slightly open and I can see a bit of red on the walls.I realize what could have happened and quickly get up and close the door.

Denks: why'd you close the door?

Me: I'll tell you later.

Me:let's go out to the car now that we got all of Izu's stuff.

Denki: ok I can take the stuff.

Me:hey Izu is it ok if I pick you up to go to the car?

I see Izu gently nod so I pick him up and we all head to the car together.when we get there I see dad and papa there waiting for us.I gently put Zuku in the car and then help Denks put his stuff in the car.Once we finish putting Zuku's stuff in the car we get in on both sides of Izu.

(15 minutes later)

We arrived at the house and got all Izu's stuff inside and all decide to watch a movie and eat some popcorn.

Me: Zuku what movie do you want to watch?

Izu: I-I don't know I-I've never seen a-any.

Me: it's ok how about this one ###### ?

Izu: O-ok.

I see denks and my dad's coming into the room with popcorn in a big bowl.

Me: *whisper* Izu can you try to eat a little bit of popcorn? you don't have to eat a lot just a few pieces.

Izu: o-ok I will.

I smile a bit seeing him willing to try at least a little bit.After getting everyone seated and comfortable I begin the movie.

(515 words)

(I am very sorry for not uploading any parts these past two weeks I have been a bit busy but I will be putting a new part every Saturday.I hope you enjoyed this part and if you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to put it in the comments I hope you have a great day/night!)

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