^Part 4^

837 17 4

(Kaminari's POV)

Once Shinso asked that last question I saw Izuku start crying.I quickly ran to him and gave him a huge hug ,and let him out of shinso's control.I felt terrible.

Me: *whisper*Hey hey it's ok!It's ok Izuku.

Izuku kept crying so much and let out soft sobs.It broke my heart to hear his sobs and his cries .I don't know why but I feel like I need to protect him.

A few second later Shinso came and sat next to me and put his hand on Izuku's head playing with his curls.He seemed to be lost in thought but I decided to leave it be for now I need to focus on Izuku.

Izuku:*sniffles*I-i'm s-sorry

Me:for what? You didn't do anything wrong!

Izuku: F-for crying on y-you and making you waste your time on me.

Me:Izuku you aren't a waste of time! If we didn't care about you we would have left already.Look I know we just met but we care about you!

Izuku: I-I'm still s-sorry.

Me:it's ok.

(Shinso's POV)

I felt a million red flags pop up in my mind.What is happening in his home was one of the biggest questions in my brain at the moment.I had to tell dad and papa.

Me: Izuku I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that.Could you forgive me for doing that?

Izuku: Mhm.*yawns*

Kami:Looks like someone is sleepy.Huh izu.


Kami:huh izu?*looks down*

I looked down as well and saw Izuku asleep his head on kami's lap.I slowly felt two very fluffy things on top of his head as I was playing with his hair.I knew it was his ears so I begin to play with them and tell kami cause I'm sure he hasn't noticed them yet.

Me:hey, kami look! 

Kami then turned his head and looked down and his jaw dropped and his eyes looked so adorable.

When I was sure Izuku was asleep I grabbed a pillow and put it under Izuku's head and got up with Kami.We both agreed to talk to my parents about what happened .So we quickly run downstairs and find my parents on the couch. 

Me: Dad! Papa!


Mic:yes ?

Kami:We need to talk to you about Izuku

Me: yea 

                                                                                   (389 words)

I am sorry It took a bit to post this chapter. Something happened and so I was unable to do this part til right now . I will also try to post in the next two days .Have a great day/ night!

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