^ Part 7^

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(Shinso's POV)

As soon as Izuku said that I ran downstairs to go tell my fathers.As soon as I got down the stairs I called my dad and papa to sit on the couch so I could explain. Just as I was about to explain Kami comes downstairs holding a sleeping Izuku in his arms.

(Kaminari's POV)

After shin ran out of the room I noticed Izuku looked really tired.

Me:Hey Izu you should go to sleep you look really tired.This time want to come downstairs with me so we can also be with shin? He is probably just going to be talking to both his dads about this.


Me:Downstairs we go! Is it ok if I carry you?




I look down to see a sleeping Izuku on my lap so I carefully pick him up so I don't wake him up.I slowly go down the stairs and sit next to shin on the couch.I guess I got here right when he was about to explain.

(Shinso's POV) (sorry for all the POV switches)

Dad/Aizawa : What happened? Was it bad?

Papa/mic :Hito please tell us what happened!

Me: He is abused by his mother because he is a neko and... Quirkless.

Papa:we have to get the little listener out of there! Right Sho?

Dad: Yes we have to but for now we should keep him here with us did he tell you when he lives?

Me:No but I could use my quirk if he lets me.I don't want a repeat of last time.


Dad:Continue with what happened.

Me:he said that he deserves it, all because  of his stupid dad! His dad left when he was born because he didn't want a neko son.

Papa and dad both looked shocked.

Papa:H-how can someone do that.It's not his fault!

Dad:It's not fair but it happens and no one really understand why.

Me:He also told us about the dream he had.

Kami:I can tell them if you'd not want to!

Me:sure you can tell them.

Dad:what was it about?

Kami:it was about one day when his mother did something really bad.

Dad:well what was it?

Kami:she c-cut his throat and it affected his voice, Th-that's why he stutters so much.


When papa used his quirk dad canceled it but after papa said that word I saw Izuku awake in Kami's arms but he was holding his cat ears and was shaking a lot.I quickly went and picked him up off of Kami and put him in my lap.

Papa:I'm really sorry!

Dad:It's ok mic you didn't do it on purpose.

Me:Hey zuzu can you move your hand from your ears please?

Izuku slowly moved his hands away from his ears and my eyes immediately widened at what I saw.....Blood

I slowly started to realize his ears are probably really sensitive especially since he is a neko.

Me:*whisper*Kami can you go get some wipes or something to clean up blood please.

Kami : why there is no blood. 

I slowly show Kami izu's ears and he runs off

Dad:why do you need wipes 

Papa:ya is the little listener ok?

Me: *whispers* Shhh whisper and it's because he has really sensitive ears.

(Mic's POV)

As soon as hito said that I felt bad I didn't mean to use my quirk. Aizawa placed his hand on my shoulder calming me down a little bit.

Me:sorry little listener I didn't mean to use my quirk.

Izuku:*whispers* I-it's o-ok i-it happens a-a lot.

Kaminari: hey I'm back here are the wipes.

Hito then cleans up Izuku's ears and Izuku goes back to sleep.I really wish me and sho could go get his mother right now but we can't yet.

                                                                     (610 words)

(Hey I hope you enjoyed this part and have a great day also I'm sorry it came out a bit late yesterday I was a bit busy so sorry about that but hope you all have a great day! 

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