"I interned in your office for two years, not once, not once did I get to meet you. But I was always hoping that someday you would walk down and greet us." Then he spins around on his heel, "but you didn't. I still hoped. Then on our final day of internship, you were there. Giving speeches, encouraging us and telling us that we could achieve the world if we wanted. I was moved." He turns around again and dramatically puts his hand on his heart, "I truly was. I went home, motivation running in my veins and started this project."

I continue to watch him. He can take as much time as he wants narrating and adding dramatic effects to his stupid story, because in reality he is only buying me some more time. Time to keep Roses away from the thought process of his psychotic mind.

"That day I shook your hand for the first time, I showed you my work, told you about my observations of your company and you told me I had an eagle's eye."

The symbol.

"I decided I will become a man like you. You were my idol. 'Never meet your idols', they say," he laughs manically, "but I ignored. I decided to start a startup, since you were impressed by my reports. I named it after the most lethal eagle known to mankind, just because you called me an eagle. I was counting on you to support me. I spent 8 months," he raises eight fingers in the air, "researching and working and preparing a pitch for you. I was passionate." He shakes his head. "The day finally came and I stood outside the company. A company I had worked at for two months. I stepped inside. Your receptionist won't let me go any further, she said I had to wait since I didn't have an appointment, so I did."

He steps back, his face going dangerously still as he puts his hands in this front pocket. "You came, you ignored and left, didn't even spare me a glance. I ran after you, but you didn't listen. I thought you were busy, so I came back again the next day. And surprise, surprise, you ignored me again."

He steps closer and then lowers his body. "When I finally convinced you by sending numerous emails, you told me to see Avinash. And he did. Only to reject my project like it was worthless. He told..," he pauses mid sentence. I raise my head and meet his gaze to find the reason behind the sudden pause. There is hurt, pain and a little emotion in his eyes. He shakes it away immediately and continues, "he told me it wasn't a project worth investing in, that a company like yours would never let a device like mine be a part of their security system."

Is he fucking stupid?

How could a company like ours trust his device? Arya group of companies is one of the top industries of India. We provide technological devices of all sorts. We have the best engineers, best designers and the best team. And every year a bunch of no wits try to hack into it and steal our details. This is the reason Avinash looks after security himself.

He is stupid if he thinks we would have accepted his project — that wasn't tested or approved — for securing our data.

He huffs. "It was a device to shield all your devices and protect your details from hackers or any other threat. It could even detect viruses." Then he tilts his neck to the right, "so, I decided to prove how wrong he was. I did everything I could, but that asshole had some really strong softwares protecting your databases. I could never hack in."

Avinash went to one of the best places to learn what he does and the fact that this guy, Akhil, failed to hack proves it. It also proves that Sidya is a better hacker than him, and that's a huge blow to the trophy sitting in one corner of Avinash's home.

"I came up with something original, it cost me my entire savings to build a design like that. So I retaliated."

Annoyed from his constant complaints I look around myself. Several armed men stand around me. There is no way he did all this without help. If he was just an intern, someone with a no money background, how did he pull all these stunts?

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