"There's my boy" She smiled happily, before tilting her head slightly and sending me a questioning look.

"Isabel wasn't feeling great so she headed back to the apartment, but she still wanted you to see Jordi"

"Is she ok?" She asked immediately.

"I don't know..." I answered honestly, desperately wanting to talk to Ale about it, but unsure whether it was my place to do so.

"I bet she just wanted a break from JJ, she said that he's been a bit difficult the last couple of days" She said lightheartedly.

"Your auntie Mapi is around here somewhere and I know she's desperate for a cuddle" She smiled down at Jordi, before turning to look around the room.

"I thought you'd want to keep him to yourself... you haven't seen him in a few days"

"He loves his Auntie Mapi, don't you little man" she cooed down at him as she tickled under his chin.

"You are his mama and he's missed you..." I pushed, I knew that Ale had been distracted, but the fact that she was handing Jordi off the moment they had been reunited worried me.

"I know, I've missed him too" Ale said distractedly, looking over to my shoulder and smiling at someone.

"Spend some time with him then... he's your son Ale, not Mapi's"

"That's a bit harsh Mama"

"You haven't been around much, I know that you're busy, but you have a family now and they need you too, don't palm him off onto someone else"

"Ok" She mumbled, clearly embarrassed by being scolded by her mother in front of so many people.

We spent a couple of hours with the team, Ale clearly listened to what I had said and spent most of that time loving on Jordi, carrying him around the room and showing him off to her teammates and their families, giving him all of the attention in the world, before it was time for them to head back to the hotel.

He fell asleep on our way back to the apartment, the excitement of meeting so many people completely wiping him out. I carefully picked him out of his car seat when we arrived and carried him inside, trying desperately not to wake him up. I made my way towards Isabel's room, knocking on the door before quietly heading inside to put him to bed in his travel cot.

I'd expected her to be fast asleep, making the most of the opportunity to get some uninterrupted rest, but she wasn't. She was lying in bed with the lamp on, but she immediately sat up when I walked in, sniffling and wiping her eyes. It was obvious that she had been crying again, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

"Hey, was he ok?" she blubbed, taking a deep breath to get herself under control.

"He was great, he fell asleep on the way back" I whispered as I leaned down and carefully placed him in his cot, laying his blanket over the top of him carefully.

"Thank you for taking him" Isy spoke quietly, her voice sounding weak as she looked at Jordi.

I quietly walked towards the bed, sitting down next to her and placing my hand on her leg over the duvet. I'd never seen her like this before and it hurt seeing her so upset.
"What's going on in that head of yours" I asked, trying to look into her eyes but she remained focused on her son who was peacefully sleeping.

"I can tell that you've been crying Isabel and I don't want to leave you like this, so please talk to me"

"I'm just struggling a bit that's all" She finally looked up at me, faking a smile and wiping the tears from her under eyes.
"All of my energy is going into keeping Jordi happy and healthy, I'm just tired and I really miss Ale. She said that she was going to be around more when we talked about me coming out with him, but we barely get to see her, and when we do it's just different..."

She paused to take a deep breath and wipe the loose hair away from her face.

"Everything will be fine when we get home, when we are back in Barcelona, in our home, living the life we have talked about for the last 2 years, and when she's away from- when she's back home with us"

"Away from who? Jenni?" I quickly asked, feeling like I was getting to the root of the problem that was causing her to be so upset.

"Forget I said anything, it doesn't matter... you get yourself off to bed, it's late. I'm ok Eli, I promise" She quickly tried to change the subject, but the tears that resurfaced in her eyes answered my question.

"They are just friends, Isa. They've known each other for years and yes, they have a past, but that is in the past, you two are Ale's world. She'd never do anything to jeopardize your family, she loves you both too much"

"She just seems different that's all, I'm probably just thinking about it too much..."

"Have you talked to her about all of this?"

"No, she's busy and I don't want to make her any more stressed than she already is. It'll be fine"

"I'm here, if you need a break from looking after Jordi or you need someone to talk to, please come to me. I care about you so much Isabel, I hope that you know that"

"I will, thank you Eli"

"Goodnight sweetheart, try and get some sleep ok?" I said as I got to my feet, before leaning down to place a kiss on top of her head.

"Please don't tell Ale about this" Isy whispered as I walked out of the bedroom.

"I won't, but I really do think that you should talk to her"

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