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( After cleaning the mess they all eat their breakfast , tae also eat his breakfast silently as he know he is already in big trouble )

~ After Breakfast ~

~~~ In Living Room ~~~

Jk - Come here tae ( Stern )
( Tae slowly go towards jk )
V - kook I am going to my office you take care of yourself and tae ok don't punish him hard ( mumble last word )
V - don't trouble your koo Hyungie ok bun ( kiss tae forehead )
Tae - ok dadda ( cutely )
V - bye koo ( kiss his forehead )
Jk - bye hyungie ( smile )
( V left to his office, meanwhile here in mansion tae was looking down standing infront of jk )
Jk - bun you know you did wrong right ?
Tae - yes hyung ( slowly )
Jk - tell me Bub you deserve punishment or not ( softly )
Tae - I did hyungie ( teary eyes )
Jk - ok so your punishment is 10 Spanks and time out for 30 minutes ( Stern )
Tae - hyungie ( whine )
Jk - Tae are you seriously whining I am giving you punishment and you are whining ( done look )
Tae - Sowwy ( baby voice )
Jk - now come lay on my lap enough of your dramas ( Stern )
Tae - O-ok ( he slowly lay on his lap )
Jk - I am starting you have to count ok
Tae - ok hyungie ( scared )
Jk - " Spank "
Tae - aah one ( teary eyes )
Jk - " Spank "
Tae - Aah two ( crying )
Jk - " Spank "
Tae - Th-ree ( crying )
Jk - " Spank "
Tae - Fo-ur ( crying )
Jk - " Spank "
Tae - Aah Fi-ve ( crying )
Jk - " Spank "
Tae - Si-x ( crying )
Jk - " Spank "
Tae - ahhh se-ven ( crying )
Jk - last 3 bun ( rubbing his butt softly )
Tae - o-k hyungie ( crying )
Jk - " Spank "
Tae - Aaaah Eig-ht ( crying )
Jk - " Spank "
Tae - Aaaaah Ni-ne ( crying hard )
Jk - " Spank "
Tae - Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T-en sorry hyungie ( crying hard )
Jk - ssh my baby stop crying it's ok I forgive you ( softly rubbing his butt )
Tae - appa no time out pwese ( crying )
Jk - ok ok my baby no time out hmm now stop crying ( rubbing his butt )
Tae - no mwore punishment for taetae appa ( baby voice )
Jk - yes my baby no more for my taetae
( Chuckle )
Tae - taetae sowwy appa ( cutely )
Jk - it's ok bubba appa forgive you
Tae - appa ( snuggle in his chest )
Jk - what happened bun ( kiss his forehead )
Tae - my bumbum hults ( pout )
Jk - omo my baby don't worry appa will apply ointment ( kiss his pout )
Tae - dadda will also punish me ?
Jk - no Bubba I punish you na and I know you will not do this again right baby ( softly )
Tae - yes appa taetae good boy ( giggles )
Jk - my baby come let me apply cream on small naughty butt ( teasing )
Tae - appa ( whine )
Jk - haha my baby come let's go in my room ( pick him like koala )
( Jk apply cream on tae's butt after sometimes they both sleep while hugging eachother )

~ In V Office ~

( Someone come inside in his office without knocking the door v look up and see 🐥 was standing there with angry face )

V - my shorty ( hug him tightly )
🐥 - shut up you alien ( smack his head )
V - oww you chick ( rubbing his head )
🐥 - do you know he is coming ( scary )
V - who ( scared )
🐥 - first call me Hyung ( demanding )
V - no way you chick ( teasing )
🐥 - ok then, I am going he will come then you face him ( go towards door )
V - no jimin hyungie please don't go , tell me who is he ( puppy eyes )
Jimin - hmm good boy ( smirk )
V - Hyungie ( whine )
Jimin - ok ok listen he is ( smirk )
V - Who he is ( curious )
Jimin - he is ( smirk )
V - hyungie tell na ( whine )
Jimin - ok so he is 🐱 hyungie ( smirk )
V - uff you mochi I think dangerous hyung is coming ( calm )
Jimin - he is also coming with yoon
V - WHAT ( Shout )
Jimin - yaah you idiot don't shout in my ears ( spank him hardly )
V - aaah hyungie why you spank me ( rubbing his butt )
Jimin - because you shout in my ears brat ( smile )
V - Hyungie tell me truth is he really coming ( kiss his cheeks )
Jimin - yaah you idiot don't kiss me and he is really coming after he got to know that you skip your meals and overwork
V - Hyungie ( whine )
Jimin - What I can't do anything now you have to face the consequences of what you did ( Sternly )
V - sorry ( looking down )
Jimin - aish my bear don't worry I will tell yoon to tell him not to punish you hard ( softly kiss his forehead )
V - Thank you hyungie ( cutely )
Jimin - haha your welcome bub ( smile )
V - but when they are coming
Jimin - In two days tomorrow is flight
V - ooh ok , hyungie come let's go to my home ( cutely )
Jimin - ok bear we will go first let's complete our work ok ( softly )
V - ok mochi ( smirk )
Jimin - you brat
V - hehe 😁
Jimin - ok I am going in my cabin alien
V - you shorty
Jimin - bye alien ( spank him and run outside )
V - aaah this mochi his small hands hurts so much ( rubbing his butt )
V in mind - aaah dangerous hyung is coming now he will surely punish me hard ( Fake cry ) I still remember how he punish me last time and warn me also not to do this again yaah I am so stupid what should I do now ( dramatically )
"Knock" " Knock"
V - come in ( cold )
Jimin - don't think too much tae
V - I am scared hyungie ( hug him )
Jimin - you are calling me Hyung O My God from where did sun rise today
V - hyungie don't tease me ( whine )
Jimin - okok sorry ( hug him back )
V - I am scared ( hug him tightly )
Jimin - Why are you scared from your own twin brother ( pick him )
V - He is my twin brother but he always punish me hard ( pout )
Jimin - you can't live without getting punishment that's why you always make troubles and get punishment ( softly )
V - I didn't did anything ( innocently )
Jimin - are you trying to make me fool like I don't know anything about you huh ( raise his eyebrows )
V - hehe sorry hyungie ( smile cutely )
Jimin - my cute baby are you the same who behave like strict infront of taekook ( smile )
V - yesh ( nodded cutely )
Jimin - ok now let me go ( drop him )
V - ok hyungie ( smile )
Jimin - eat something your weight is very light if he will get to know about your weight then he will punish you double ( scaring him )
V - hyung are you trying to scare me
Jimin - ofcourse no I am telling truth well whatever I am going now ( left )
V - my mochi is saying right I should eat more or else he will punish me for my weight also but wait why I am thinking that he will punish me he can leave me also yaah right he can forgive me this time but he what if he will punish me yaaaaaaah ( irritated )

~~~ 1200 words ~~~

• Who is dangerous hyung ?
• Why V is scared of him that much ?
• who is his twin ?

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🧡 Take care
💙 Bye - Bye Bunnies 🐇

💜 40 + Vote 💛 Comment💚 Follow🧡 Take care💙 Bye - Bye Bunnies 🐇

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May God Bless You Stay Safe in Military We will miss you come back soon 💝

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May God Bless You Stay Safe in Military We will miss you come back soon 💝

Bye - Bye

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