𝐚 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞

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"Minho, pay attention! We're not going to win much if all you do is let go of that ball!"

My ears ring when Coach blows on his whistle again, and I wince, wishing practice ends.

"Again!" He yells.

Thomas moves forward with the ball in his hands, passes it to Alby, who throws it toward me. I clench my jaw. Come on, and I catch the ball in my hands as pain shoots through my wrists.

I manage to turn around, holding the heavy object, and attempt to give it to Jeff. Unfortunately, my throw is weak and the ball doesn't even get close to the boy.

"Alright, that's it!! Take a break!" Coach yells. I sigh, palming my face in embarrassment and as some sort of way to punish myself. I shouldn't have gone that deep.

I grab my water bottle and take some sips while I try hard not to look at Sammy, who has been watching us play since the beginning.

Even worse. Ugh, she saw me struggle like that.

Oh, and now she's walking over to me. Awesome.

I swallow, turning my head at her.

"Your friends gave me this advice," Sammy tells me, just like she had done at the party.

My stomach does a flip at the same time as my eyebrows raise. "What advice?"

She glares at my teammates in the corner, then back at me. "Try not to overthink it."

I hold my breath when she places a kiss on my lips, but just a peck. Then, I pull a face at her.

Where was the cupping my face and moving the lips and holding her waist?

"Told you, try not to overthink it," she says.

"If you're gonna come over here and kiss me-," my eyes squint, because it's obvious who forced her to do this, "-then at least make it a real kiss. 'Cause if I would compare your way of kissing to what you read-"

She cups my face out of a sudden, and starts moving her lips against mine. Her hands linger on my chest, I trail mine to her waist without thinking, purely focusing on her soft lips against mine.

They do not taste like honey and cotton candy and sweets. No one's lips taste like that and whoever says they do, is probably one of those little nasty boys that appear in books.

No offense.

But she smells like a soap and literally something elegant, which is enough for me.

The spell breaks when she aparts her lip from mine, and I wish I would've had the confidence to press her against a wall or something, so she wouldn't let go- for fuck's sake, Minho.
"Good acting," I say, trying hard not to stare at her lips again, which are still just an inch away from mine.

So instead, I watch her eyes. They're dark brown, but I still manage to find a few more golden sparks in there, and realize it must also be her eyes that I'm in love with.

"You too." Slowly, she moves her lips to my ear and I suck in a breath. "So now you better go try harder with basketball, 'cause I'm not doing this again today."

I crack a smile. "Tomorrow, then?"


Her eyes darken. "Funny, Minho."

I do really hope we kiss again tomorrow.

"Look, if you want to make this relationship seem realer, you better try harder too. Give me your phone."

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 - TMR AUWhere stories live. Discover now