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Again, the soft whisper next to her. Except this time, she didn't enjoy the context as much.

The friend group still hadn't left. Some of them were still too shocked to walk properly, or the burns on their skin were still getting treated by the doctors that showed up.

Luckily, the friends weren't hurt so badly that they had to go to the hospital.

They sat against a wall, a road the only thing between them and the club, which wasn't recognizable anymore.

"Sammy." Minho touched her shoulder, wiping the tears that were falling off her cheeks with his thumb. "Sweetheart, everyone's safe. Firemen are solving everything and it looks like a lot of people got out safely. And Jeff is right here, just like me." He intertwined his fingers with hers. "Just try to calm down a bit, alright?"

She took some big breaths, shuddering. "It was so crowded," she said quietly. "And I bumped into people and accidentally stepped on them. Newt and I were planning to buy those fireworks ourselves—"

"It's not our bloody fault, Sam," Newt cut her off. He crouched beside them. "It was an accident. People were havin' fun with fireworks and decorations caught fire. Now, it's gonna be alright."

It took a while for the words to get through her head, but then she nodded. "Okay," she whispered. "Could we maybe go home? I don't want to watch anymore."

"Of course. I'll ask Jeff to call your parents, okay? They'll pick you two up."

Sam looked up at Minho. "What about you?"

"I'll be fine, Sammy." He smiled softly, but the pain was in his eyes. "I'm going to check up on Thomas, alright? He seems a bit upset."

Once Minho left, Sam turned her head to Newt, but she averted her eyes. "He's going to blame himself," she said, no longer whispering, but it was close enough, "that's why I want you to make him go with you tonight. Please."

"Okay," he promised. "I will."

"Thank you, Newt." She did her best to smile at him, her eyes a bit glossy. She didn't know how many people had died this night, but it must've been a big number. So many people had been in the building.

"Mom's gonna pick us up right now. Dad's getting air beds ready for anyone who wants to stay with us." Jeff moved in front of her. "Does Minho want to stay?"

She shared a glance with Newt, then nodded. "I'll ask. Can you ask if Dad comes driving here too? He could bring others home."

Jeff nodded and started the job as Sam, slowly, got up and walked over to Minho. "Hey, Thomas. You alright?"

The now paler boy nodded. "Will be fine. Thanks, Sam. Are you okay?"

She nodded too. "I'm okay." And turned to Minho. "You can stay with me tonight. Do you want that? I'd rather not have you to be alone."

She took his hands to stop him from picking the skin beside his nails while he nodded. "Yeah. That would be great, Sammy."

A small smile at him. "Alright. Both of my parents will be picking people up. My dad with his business bus, so only one person can go with him. Four others fit in my mom's car."

Five minutes later, she saw her dad's black business bus drive closer. Except, it was her mom driving.

Sam shrugged off thinking that was weird. She couldn't deny that her father was a better driver, so maybe it was better he transported four kids, and her mother just one.

"Samira. Oh, honey—" She got pulled into a tight hug by her mother, and had trouble hugging back. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine," she assured. "Can we just get out of here? Fast, please? I don't like it."

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 - TMR AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora