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"WHAT did you do now?"

Her big mouth was gone when her mom sat her down in front of her, the desk the only thing between them.

"Had a pack of cigarettes in my room." She didn't dare to make eye contact, afraid she would either burst out in tears or start yelling or betray Teresa anyways.

"Did you smoke them?"

Truth, but she wasn't sure what would come next.

"Then why did you have them? Where did you get them?"

"Can you just give me whatever punishment without the whole interview? Cigarettes were in my dorm, that's it."

Her mom sighed. Long and deep. "If I see you here one more time, Samira, then I am ready to blame not only you, but also Minho for it. Bad influence. And you're right. As long as you're with Minho, me and your father decided you won't have to marry, but that doesn't mean I won't forbid you anything." She lay her hands on the table. "So, if I catch any of you in trouble, it might be over."

Could've gone worse.

"Anyway. How's school going?"

"There's other people waiting outside, mom—"

"Don't talk around it. How has it been going? Any tests yet?"

"We're two weeks in, of course I don't have tests," she snapped, but under her breath. "I am already studying, though."

"Awesome. Make sure you—"

"Study, yes. I just said that. And by the way, I think that if you're the principal, you should know education is a tool to help people reach their greatness, not define if."

"And I think that if I'm your mother, I'll have my opinion about that. Imagine, Samira, being the head of such a big school, and then they find out my daughter is... like this." 

Like a stab in the heart. "My grades are good. Last year's grades were fine and even if they weren't, I can catch up now. So I don't get why you're picking on me like I already have a bad grade."

"Because otherwise, you will get one!" She got up in a rush, her fist slamming against her desk. "Cut the scrolling on your phone or reading the books that have nothing to do with school. Before I know it, you're taken into a mental hospital because these things made you delusional or something! Doing your best for some good grades is the bare minimum. Take Jeff as an example. Go study and only then spend time to do fun things, like basketball. Sports! Not sitting on your bed even more."

Sam's eyes closed, and she was still staring at the ground. Damn, it hurt. "Did you just say I belong in a mental hospital?" Her voice came out weaker than she expected. Quieter.

Her mom was shaking with anger. "It wouldn't surprise me."

She got up from her chair fast, the thing backward with some noise. "You can't just tell your own daughter that, mom! What the hell? Actually, you can't just tell anyone—"

"I'll tell people whatever the hell I want. And I'll tell you that I love you because I have to, not because I like you, Samira. Be grateful for that."

That's when her eyes started to get watery. She looked up at her mother, eyes wider. Surely she hadn't expected her mom to love her the most a mother ever loved her child, but come on.

"How could I be grateful for that?" She refused to let the sob out. "How could I be grateful for you saying that sort of thing?"

"Because you're a failure and are lucky I pay attention to help you. Damn, sure you don't like my way of helping, but I'm doing it for your own good."

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 - TMR AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora