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"Come on. Wake up—"

I nearly grunt at the voices around me. Could they just not interrupt my sleep? Or the fact that Sammy is lying on top of me, tightening her arms around me?

I'm not if she's aware of it, though. 

"Alby! Don't ruin it!"

"Wake. Up. The sun has risen and we're—"

"What do you want me to do with that? Photosynthesis?" She spats out, her voice cracky.

"Would you people leave me alone and let me sleep?" I added.

"Fine." And their voices slowly fade away.

I feel Sammy stiffen. Each time I speak, my chest vibrates and she's able to feel my breaths against her skin. She must realize—

She nearly falls off the couch from this.

I groan. "Did we fall asleep here? For real?"

With that, I mean exactly what I say. AKA, "couldn't we have fallen asleep in my bed like this?"

AKA, the others wouldn't have waken us up.

"Apparently. Look— if I would've known I wouldn't have... whatever I was doing."

I mentally grin at how she stammers, and her cheeks are catching a blush.

"No offense, but I thought you were a pillow... and a blanket, and a mattress."

"Thank you for finding me soft, then." I run a hand through my hair, hating it for not staying in place at night, and feel Sammy roll off me.

"Let's just get breakfast."


The awkwardness is gone when we face Newt and Thomas at the breakfast table. All I'm trying to do, is holding my laugh because I heard both of them moan last night.

"Would ya stop starin' at us like we're bloody ghosts?" Newt's face gains an unusual red color.

"You look like anything but a ghost right now," Sammy comments. I smile, because not only she's right (he's red like a tomato), but also because I enjoy listening to her sassy lines.

"I'm glad you two found your spirits," I add, winking. "What was that, a massage?"

Thomas chokes on his bread, and Newt's eyes turn bigger than my pot of hair gel.

And I lean in to Sammy's ear, "I don't think that's the only thing he choked on."

She covers a laugh with her hand, nearly knocking over the milk as she did. "Oh, god."

Proud, I continue eating.

"So what're we doing today?"

She looks back at me, and I bite my lip because of the butterflies forming in my stomach. I'm not supposed to feel butterflies, but I can't help it if she looks at me like... that.

"Minho and I are gonna bake cupcakes as a dessert for tonight. Gally and Fry were gonna make a fire, right?"


"Awesome." Newt nods. "I guess some can go grocery shopping?"

If that means Sammy and I don't have a whole crowd around us, yes please.

Eventually, the plans are settled and Sammy and I stand in the kitchen with Frypan, because apparently we need help.

I'm not sure why, because I am sure Jeff said Sammy is a master at baking brownies. Cupcakes couldn't have been harder.

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