𝟢𝟤,𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐬

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SHE couldn't deny her smile had faded a little bit once she saw the dorm room.

Three beds were spread over the large space, and all three of them her drawers beneath it. A full bookshelf stood in the corner, they had a bathroom (which was messy as hell), and it smelled like damn cigarettes.

Sighing, Sam attempted to fit both her school books and her other books in the drawers under the bed she supposed was hers, since the other two were already unmade.

The day had been okay, though. She was happy her mom at least brought her stuff inside the dorm while Sam spent her time in classes. The principal came in once, and told them all about the rules.

And god, that was too much.

No skirts above the knees, no straps shown, no makeup, no phones until the school schedule was over, lights out at nine, and even more, but Sam couldn't remember.

She didn't change out of her uniform, not wanting to waste the what she called 'masterpieces of clothes' she brought with her, because those were only for 'special occasions'.

So eventually, she sat on her bed with her book in her hands and her phone next to her. If she at least could break her record of how many books she read in one month, that would be awesome.

little rat




Shut up Jeff

Would you come and watch my basketball training


Why not?
It's inside
And it's not very crowded
And bring that damn book if you feel the need to.
Hope that helps

What's the purpose of being at your training if all I'm doing is reading a book, while I could also do on my bed?

Just come over, damn
I don't want to see you JUST in the weekends
Because mom and dad are there in the weekends too, and I don't want them to hear my adventures


With another sigh, Sam tossed her phone and book in her tote bag, tied her Dr. Martens, put on a jacket, and left campus to go to the shared sport building, which stood in between the two schools.

Yeah. Shared. She would have to pass boys in the sport building and she remembered someone saying there would be shared PE classes too, twice a year or something. To coach each other.

The building's inside was simple. A very long hallway with doors everywhere on the sides, numbers printed on them to show what gym room's it were.

Some existed of equipment like it was an actual gym, others were just rooms with the million colored lines on the floor, and some were specialized on certain sports, like basketball.

To Sam, it was very awkward to walk into the room Jeff assigned her, but no one seemed to notice her, let alone when she sat down in a corner and watched for five minutes, then grabbed her book.

Sport balls weren't exactly her favorite things either, 'cause every time she heard the thing smash against the floor or wall close to her, she flinched. Ugh, PE was the worst thing ever.


There her brother was. She looked up. "Jeff."

Beads of sweat rolled down his face again. "Hi," he breathed. "How was your first day?"

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 - TMR AUWhere stories live. Discover now