𝟢𝟫,𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬

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SAM unlocked the door to her house and let both of them step in before she closed it again. The smell of the Indian food entered her nose as a pleasure, yet also worry Minho maybe wouldn't like these dishes.

"Let's change into normal clothes before we go to my dad," she decided, and motioned at the stairs that were on their right. "Come on."

"Admit the motorcycle wasn't that scary," he said. "Even though you were clinging around me like a koala."

"I was clinging around you like a koala for a reason," she spat, turning around midway on the stairs. That let her know Minho still hadn't moved. "Come on now."

"I get it, I get it— I'm flustered too, but I'd really prefer to act like a gentleman instead of having awesome, by the way, view of your ass— ow!"

She had thrown a random shoe at him. "Follow me and just look down as you do so."

Clearing his throat, he obeyed. Sam told him he could change in the bathroom, while she entered her own room and quickly fixed the mess in her hair (or tried to), then folded the motorcycle so Minho could bring it with him once he would leave.


He put his hands on his hips. "I'll be a gentleman."

A scoff left her mouth before she opened the door, a slight panic in her chest in case her dad, who knew her the best out of maybe all people, would notice anything wasn't going as smoothly as they normally went in relationships.

"Sam!" Almost immediately, she got attacked by a hug from her dad. But she recovered fast and then didn't hesitate to hug back just as firmly, happy there was at least one parent ready to share hugs with her.

"And this must be Minho." Her father ran a hand through his curls as he inspected Minho for a while, still smiling. "Nice to meet you, Buddy."

Minho shook his hand. "Likewise, Sir."

She nearly lost it at hearing Minho speak like that and sat down at the table, in front of Jeff.

"Yo, man!" Jeff gave Minho a whatever-those-bro-hugs-were-called hug. "Good to see you."

Nodding, Minho claimed the seat next Sam. "Smells good here."

Relief flooded off her chest. He'd like the food her father was putting down right... now. All kinds of dishes with sauces.

"Looks good, Dad." She smiled. Ugh, food. Amazing.

"So." After thanking his daughter, giving everyone food, and sitting down too, he looked around. "How were your days?"

"Good!" With an already stuffed mouth, Jeff held up his thumb. "Dad and I went fishing this morning, Sam."

"That's..." boy-like. "Cool," she ended up saying. "I went shopping and then backpacked on Minho's motorcycle. Never gonna do that again."

The boy chuckled under his breath. "It was pretty cool. Come on."

"Cool it is," her father agreed. "Nice, Minho. And what'd you buy, Sam?"

"Tote bags!"
"One hundred percent books."

Sam looked from her brother to Minho. "Both. Good guesses."

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 - TMR AUWhere stories live. Discover now