Chapter 22

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The next day, Ezra, along with Fennec, were walking to the gunship. The soldiers walked to other gunboats and departed towards the cruisers. Bridger held his helmet and looked at Fennec - he knew the past weeks had not been the best for her. Mira even had to console her because she wasn't coping. He noticed the angry look on her face.

"What mission do we have? Another Imperial transport?" Grey muttered clenching her fists.

"An Imperial convoy will be flying through the sector." Ezra explained." We could use another supply of weapons and ammunition. Apparently there are other interesting things as well. Our spies consider this transport important."

"After we attack them , it won't be so important anymore." Fennec hissed. "Nothing will be left of it."

"Control your anger Fen," the Jedi admonished her. "Anger leads to hatred . Hate leads to ..."

"Blah blah blah , I don't give a damn about you." Fennec accelerated , moving away from her leader.

"With her it's like with a child" Ezra said to himself. Then a girl with red eyes and green eyes approached him.

"Sir!" She stood and saluted. "I'm ready for the mission."

Ezra turned and looked at her. "I see , you are sweaty."

"Yes sir!" She admitted. "I was up too late. I know , that's no excuse."

"I understand you. What's your name?"

"I'm Jaina." She introduced herself. "I'm ready to fight for the Clan Bridger!" After these words, Ezra extended his hand. Jaina shook it.

"It's nice to meet you Jaina. Come on , everyone is waiting for us." After these words they went to the gunship.

Ezra and Jaina boarded the ship , where Fennec and her soldiers were waiting for them. Grey looked at them.

"It took you a long time." She muttered.

"It's Fennec. She's one of the best people in the Clan." Ezra introduced her to Jaina. The redhead extended her hand.

"Nice to meet you. I've heard of you." She smiled. Fennec reluctantly shook her hand.

"You too kid. Ready , to die for this Jedi here? I'll give a good advice : Keep your head down and try to die," Fennec said. Jaina swallowed her saliva.


"Pilot! We're good to go." Ezra ordered. The pilot nodded. After a moment, the ship flew up , then toward the cruiser.

The cruiser was in hyperspace. Ezra was on the bridge , and Fennec was elsewhere looking out the window. She missed Alex. She missed him very much. Her silence was broken by the opening of a door. She turned around and saw Jaina.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked with aggression in her mouth. Jaina was horrified.

"I'm touring the ship. I've never been on one," she said. What kind of cruiser is this?"

"It's some Mandalorian old cruiser from the time of the old Republic. It's powered by Kyber crystal. Satisfied?"

"Even very much," Jaina answered.

"Cool. Now get lost." Fennec looked at the window again. Jaina looked down and left.

The cruiser came out of hyperspace over the Imperial convoy. Soldiers ran to the gunboats. Ezra waited on the bridge , to talk to Fennec.

Grey entered the bridge and looked at Bridger. "What's the matter?"

"Jaina said , you are not nice to her." He explained. Fennec rolled her eyes.

"Ezra. I haven't been in the mood for about a couple of weeks. I don't have time to comfort new people. You know , what I went through. What Alex went through."

Ezra walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "I know. but , that doesn't mean you have to take your anger out on someone. That's not how I taught you." After these words, he left the bridge leaving Fennec alone.

Ezra was approaching the gunship. Jaina was already waiting there. Fennec ran up to Bridger. Together they boarded and flew away.

"What's the situation with the Empire's fighters?" Ezra asked the captain.

"The fighters have moved away from the transporters. Our fighters will take care of everything. We have a clear path." He explained. Ezra looked at his team.

"You will be taken care of by the stormtroopers. I and the others will go to the bridge. Fennec , you will take care of the other part of the ship. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir!" Everyone answered 

The Gunship was flying toward the Imperial ship. Everyone unlocked their blasters. Ezra took his lightsabers in hand. Fennec moved closer to Ezra.

"Another day . Another Fight," she said. Ezra looked at her.

"Nothing has changed since the days of the Clan. "

The ship landed in the hangar of an Imperial cruiser. The Mandalorians came out and started shooting at the stormtroopers. Ezra took a few and moved toward the bridge. Fennec headed to the starboard side of the ship. Jaina followed her.

"Stay where you are!" Fennec shouted.

"Why?" Jaina asked.

"Don't question my orders! Stay here" After these words Grey went on.

Grey headed toward the next door . She opened it. She was about to go further , but an invisible force pushed her back. Out of the shadows came a figure she knew well .

"Hello Fennec." He said. "The galaxy is a very small place."

"Here I agree." She muttered, standing up and aiming at Darth Vader's apprentice.

"I don't think you're angry about what I did. What was the name of that boy of yours. Ah yes. Alex. How's he doing? Is he alive?"

"Shut up!" Fennec opened fire toward the Sith. The man deflected all the bullets. Then someone threw a grenade under the Sith's feet sending him backwards.

"Leave her alone!" Jaina's voice came from far away. She walked up to Fennec . "Are you okay?"

Fennec stood up ignoring the girl's hand. "He told you to stay!"

"I know. but , I had a feeling." She explained. Then she started shooting at the Sith , who was on his feet. After a few minutes of shooting, the Sith snatched her Blaster with the Force and cut it in half.

"See you Fennec" After these words he left. Fennec was furious and punched Jaina in the stomach.

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