Chapter 17

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Since early in the morning, the Bridger Clan had been working , and all the soldiers, along with the more important people in the Clan, had their tasks to perform. Rex along with Cody , Hunter , Majima and Kiryu were training new recruits and soldiers in blaster shooting. Wrecker taught a new unit in the Clan - the sappers. He showed them how to defuse a bomb and explained the different types of bombs. Crosshair taught snipers. Omega , Emerie and Kix, along with Doctor Warren Vidic, became part of the medical wing. Goji taught pilots. The rest took care of other things at the base. Echo's body after the war on Corvus was put in a coffin and then dumped in Kamino waters - the kind of burial he would have preferred. The place in , where he rose and met the rest of his brothers. He will forever be remembered by Rex and Bad Batch.

Ahsoka Tano was located in the forest of the moon of Concordia. She decided to meditate in a place away from people. She took in air and let it out. A Condor landed on her shoulder.

"I'm glad , you're here," she smiled at the bird. "Do you like it?"

The bird chirped happily, Ahsoka smiled. "I haven't been to a place like this for a long time. Such a beautiful place. Ezra and Sabine have chosen the perfect place to establish their Clan."

Then the Bird landed on Ahsoka's shoulder. Tano looked at the tree. With the help of the Force, she sensed who was hiding behind the tree.

"Come out Mira," she called out. A girl dressed in black shorts and an orange sweatshirt came out from behind the trees and approached the woman.

"How did you know , I was there?" The girl asked. Ahsoka took her in her arms.

"The Force prompted me." The woman admitted. "It prompted me , that you were hiding there."

"You're not angry , that I followed you?" Mira was a little frightened. Tano hugged her.

"I'm not. I see , you decided to approach me."

"Yes," Little Wren-Bridger admitted. Ahsoka smiled. She decided to open up more between her and Mira.

"Have you ever been to another planet?" Ahsoka asked Mira.

"The previous month I was with my grandparents on Krownest. Me , Daddy and Mommy sometimes fly to them."

"So you've never been to a planet other than Krownest?"

"No , but I would like to visit the galaxy. How about you? How many planets have you visited?"

"A lot," Ahsoka admitted. "Even as a padawan in the Jedi Order, I explored a ton of planets."

"The Jedi Order? Daddy once mentioned it. What was it like in the Jedi Order?" Mira asked. Ahsoka looked down.

"We were in a big war. Many Jedi fought on the fronts of the galaxy. I and my master, along with Rex, fought against the droids. After the war, the Jedi Order was no longer needed and disappeared. Today, the Jedi are just a memory and stories passed down from generation to generation." Tano explained.

"What happened to your master?" Little Wren-Bridger asked another question.

Ahsoka did not know what to answer. It is difficult to explain to a little girl the annihilation of the Jedi Order and the fact that her Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader. She stroked her head forcing herself to deceive her.

"I don't know Mira," she answered. She stood up from the stone still holding Ezra and Sabine's daughter. "Do you want to take a walk?"

"Yes," Mira answered. After a moment, Tano moved deeper into the forest.

Ahsoka walked through the forest with Mira still in her arms. They talked to each other while Morai - Ahsoka's bird flew above them.

"So what do you want to become , when you grow up?" Tano asked Mira. In the girl's head immediately answered.

"I want to be a Mandalorian and a Jedi. Just like my daddy!"

"Are you sure?" Ahsoka looked at her

"Yes. I want to help others. I want to be a Clan leader just like my parents."

"Your Clan or the Clan Bridger?"

"Clan Bridger."

"I see , that is a strongly high bar. Being a Jedi is not easy."


"Because being a Jedi is a great responsibility. There are many tempting things that can ruin your path." Tano explained.

"I can't wait for Daddy to start training me," Mira smiled. "Are you going to train me too?"

"Maybe yes maybe no" Ahsoka began to smile. "I will teach you many things that your father doesn't have."

"YAY!" Mira exclaimed. Then Ahsoka's comlink began to squeak. Tano took Mira off her hands. , to pick it up.

"Here Ahsoka!"

"Hey Soka. This is Ezra. Do you know where Mira is?" Ezra Bridger's voice came from the commlink. Tano smiled and looked down.

"She's with me. We have a great walk," she confessed.

"It will be dark soon. Then come back." After a moment, Ez hung up. The former Jedi looked at Mira.

"It's time to go home."

Ahsoka returned with Mira to the fortress , where Ezra and Sabine were waiting for them in the throne room. Tano left the girl , and the girl ran to her parents. Sabine knelt down and hugged her.

"What was it like with Ahsoka?" She asked. Mira looked at her.

"Very cool," she boasted. Ezra and Ahsoka smiled.

"I'm glad. Come on honey," she said. It's bedtime" Bridger took his daughter in his arms. Mira looked at Ahsoka.

"Good night Ahsoka," she said.

"Good night Mira." The former Jedi reciprocated. Ezra and Sabine left the throne room, leaving Torgutan alone.

Ezra and Sabine carried Mira to her room. The Jedi put his daughter on the bed , and Sabine covered her with a quilt. Then they both kissed her on the forehead.

"Good night Honey." Ezra said.

"Good night Daddy , good night Mommy ," Mira reciprocated. After a while, she closed her eyes. Sabine turned off the lamp and left their daughter's room with her husband.

"What about your plan Ez?" Sabine asked Ezra. The Clan leader looked at her.

"It's already ready. It goes into effect tomorrow." Answered , as he opened the bedroom door. Sabine entered first. Ezra closed the door behind him.

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