Chapter 21

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It has been several months since Alex was in a coma. Fennec never left his side. Every day she held his hand and begged , to wake up. She didn't drink or eat. People brought her food and drink. Fennec was no longer the same person as before.

Ezra and Sabine returned from another mission. Without the two young warriors, missions were already boring and uninteresting. Supplies yes increased , but no longer the same joy as before. Another mission , another day.

After today's mission, Sabine went to bed , and Ezra had a meal. He was upset with himself . He blamed himself for the fact that Alex and Fennec were tortured . He was a fool , sending them on this mission . He slammed his fist on the table and rubbed his face. He had made a terrible mistake.

Then he felt something in his leg. He looked down and saw his daughter Mira. He took her in his arms and hugged her. Little Mira reciprocated the hug.

"What is it Mira?" He asked.

"I came to comfort you." She admitted. Ezra stroked her hair.

"That's nice of you."

"What's going to happen with Alex?" Mira worried

"He's going to live on baby. Alex is strong." Ezra comforted her. Mira pulled herself out of her father's arms.

"Go to sleep daddy. You're tired" After these words, Ezra kissed her on the forehead. Then he went to bed. He lay down and covered himself with a blanket. Sabine moved closer to him. Mira smiled and left her parents' room.

Fennec was in the hospital wing and sat by Alex's bedside. She held his hand crying. She wiped her tears against her hand. She begged the Force , for him to wake up. She loved Alex with all her life. He was the only thing , which comforted her. She combed his hair.

"Fennec?" A voice rang out from the distance. Fennec turned around and saw Mira standing in the derby. The girl approached the Mandalorian woman.

"Mira? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I came to see you."

"Go from here. I don't need you," she said. I don't need anyone," Fennec muttered.

"Your mind says otherwise." Mira denied.

"How do you know what my brain says?" Fennec was surprised.

"I am the daughter of a Jedi , remember?" After those words, she began climbing up Fennec's legs. When she climbed , she hugged her. Fennec looked at her.

"You are part of my family," Mira said.

"I am?" Fennec stared at her leader's daughter.

"Yes. You and Alex will always be part of my family." After those words, Fennec hugged Mira.

"Thank you Mira," she thanked. After these words, they both fell asleep.

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