Chapter 9

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Ezra moved on the Inquisitor with full force and anger. The servant of the dark side positioned himself so as to be ready to repel any attack from the Jedi. Although many years had passed, Bridger remembered his battles with servants of the Empire. He remembered the Grand Inquisitor and the others. Fighting them was not easy - they were more trained than he and his master Kanan Jarrus. That day Ez learned , that his master's name was different. Caleb Dume. Why didn't he tell the truth? Bridger did not bother and focused on his rival.

Ezra clashed his blades with the Inquisitor. Using his anger, he forced his rival to retreat. The Inquisitor was smiling under his helmet.

"Come on Bridger. Let , let your anger take control of you," he growled. Ezra pounded at his blades like mad. The Inquisitor used his power and pushed Bridger so far , that while hitting the wall , his helmet fell off his head , revealing his face.

"I think someone here has forgotten how to fight," the Inquisitor approached him. Bridger got up on one knee. The Inquisitor approached him faster. He switched off his sword and gave it to his back. He extended his right hand and blew it releasing green smoke , which flew towards the Jedi. Ezra began to choke. He stood up turning on his lightsaber trying to hit his enemy. The Inquisitor kicked him and used the power , push Ezra so hard that he broke through the wall , disappearing into the darkness. The enemy laughed.

"It's me , Get my ship ready . The base has been lost."

" What about the jedi?" Asked a voice from the commlink. It was dark and harsh. In no way did he resemble the voice of another person from the Imperial entourage or the Emperor himself.

"He's dead. Darth Vader will be delighted with this news."

"I have no doubt about that. You did a good job," he said. My faith in your abilities has proven itself.

"What about the rest of the Mandalorians?"

"Leave them be. They are lost" After these words the voice disconnected. The inquisitor left the room.

Ezra woke up in a strange place. After getting up, he noticed , he was on the moon of his Clan. Specifically, in his and Sabine's bedroom. He started walking towards the door. When , he came out of the room he noticed that the walls were in blood. Fear began to surround his body. He went further in search of his loved ones.


After running around for a long time looking for , he found Sabine and Mira on the ground. Ezra ran up and looked at them and checked their pulse. Sabine was dead - and so was Mira. Bridger's eyes flooded with tears. He took his dead daughter in his arms. He looked into her lifeless body - there was not a ray of soul in it. She was reunited with the Force . He pressed his forehead against her cold forehead. More tears flowed from his eyes.

"Why?" He began to cry. Tears rolled down his cheeks and dripped to the ground. He hugged Mira crying in pain and suffering. "Why me? Why? What have I done? Mira , Mira please , wake up . Wake up for Daddy , please," Bridger began to cry harder. He pulled his wife's body and also hugged her. "Don't leave me! Please , Mira , Sabine. Wake up please! Don't leave me! Please! I'm sorry for everything! I'm sorry , that I didn't tell everything. I'm sorry for all the lies! I love you. I love you the most in the galaxy , but please don't leave me ! I don't want to be alone!" Despair took control of him. He squeezed the bodies of his loved ones as hard as he could. His heart shattered into millions of pieces. His only family .... was gone forever. 

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