Chapter 11

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The crew was still in hyperspace. Ezra stood over the holostat contemplating his next plans for his Clan. He looked at a map of the galaxy - many planets were still in the hands of the Empire. After his action, Batuu became independent. Through the red dots, the galaxy had a mass of pimples - as if the face of the galaxy was unkempt and infected. Bridger turned off the holostat sensing Fennec walking towards him.

"Tell me," Grey began. " What about that friend of yours , who is a jedi and we were supposed to meet him on Batuu?"

Ezra looked at her. He had a tired expression on his face. After talking to Sabine and Mira, he meditated for a couple of hours. Then he worked on his Jedi fighting skills. After the fight with the Inquisitor, he took the duel personally. He blinked his eyes twice , to see the girl better.

"I didn't talk to him .... yet. " Ezra said. "For now I'm focusing on other things.

"I can't wait until we take down some Imperials. My blasters are ready to fire," Fennec countered.

"How long before we go out over Corvus?" Ezra asked his pilots. One of them looked at his leader. Like any Clan Bridger pilot, he was dressed in armor and a life-holding system , which Mandalorian defenders once wore. The pilot stood up and looked at his superior.

"In an hour sir," he said.

"Thank you," Ezra thanked him. The pilot nodded and went back to his work. Ezra looked at Fennec.

"In an hour in the hangar. Get everyone ." After these words he left the bridge leaving Fennec.

An hour later Ezra , Fennec , Alex , Aldrich and Tristan were in the hangar. Ezra held a hologram of the planet in his hand.

"Corvus. A forest planet located in wild space. This is where the Empire outpost is located. Or rather, a city , which is subordinated to one person who works for the Empire , or more precisely," A woman appeared on the hologram - Morgan Elsbeth. She brutally rules the city and at the same time the capital of Calodan. According to the intelligence of the Rebellion , the residents suffer and live in constant fear. Our goal will be to defeat Elsbeth and her army and give the people freedom. And after that we will fly to the next planet." Ezra explained.

"Cool. Only , I have a question." Alex said. "How do we do it. I guess it won't be easy."

"I thought about that too. " Ezra smiled . "Fennec will go in disguise as a bounty hunter , to scope out the area and talk to Elsbeth."

"WHAT!?" Fennec responded. "Ezra , I know I'm a girl , but that doesn't mean you should immediately send me to enemy territory."

"Fen" the Jedi put his hand on her shoulder." You can handle it. You are one of the best people in the Clan. You can handle it." He gave her a reassuring look,

"Then where's the disguise?" Grey asked. Bridger pointed to the crates behind him. The girl sighed and headed for the crate. Ezra then took a call from one of the pilots.

"Sir. We will be exiting hyperspace in a moment," he informed.

"Roger." Ezra hung up. "And he said , that even in an hour we will come out of hyperspace."

"Perhaps he was mistaken," Aldrich said. "You can't predict all mistakes."

"That's where I would agree. " Tristan joined the conversation. " You can predict all movements , but you can't predict a mistake. What I have noticed over the five years of being with you in our family. "

"You're both right. " admitted Ezra. " I can't detect an error. Now get your gear together. We will soon liberate another planet."

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