Chapter 20

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Fennec and Alex were tortured for the next few hours by Gideon and his men. Numerous doses of torture failed to get the Mandalorians to talk about Clan Bridger . Electricity , being belly to belly , burning with fire and lightsaber did nothing - Grey said nothing. She was loyal to Ezra and Sabine - it is because of them that she has a better life and met her other half. Alexander was also loyal - he had nothing. And thanks to Bridger, he had a clean slate. Besides, thanks to these two , they became the best fighters in the Clan. They promised each other , never to betray them. That day has come today - the Day of Trial , the Day of Loyalty.

Gideon was bored. He was sick of it. He was annoyed with the Mandalorians. He only smiled when his men melted their armor. A little Beskar would come in handy. Ellie Kane and Benoit reported the arrival of a visitor who could help solve the problem. Meanwhile, he consumed food while enjoying the voice of Fennec and Alex , who could not stand the pain.

"You know" He began , as he wiped his mouth. "I've never met a Mandalorian. Never. I mean I've only seen images and holograms showing you in action as you destroy the good of the Empire. I hate you , because you have something that others don't have - strength and endurance. Any of the Imperial soldiers would admit , to anything. And you still say nothing. Besides, you have Beskar - the best metal in the galaxy. He wants it. He wants to have as much of it as possible , to dominate everyone. But you - Mandalorians are standing in the way of getting this resource. Besides , your Leader is a Jedi. Sorry - the first leader is a Jedi. The second is a Mandalorian traitor. She betrayed the Empire. She killed Gara Saxon and Tiber Saxon. She destroyed the "Duchess" , weakened the Empire and killed a mass of soldiers. If I bring them before the Emperor. I will gain great , but great respect." - He took a sip of blue milk. - "Will you say something about your wonderful and annoying Clan?"

Fennec looked at him. Despite the pain, she still held on. She couldn't stand Alex's pain. She couldn't look at it , but Gideon forced her to. "Never."

"So the never has come" A disciple of Darth Vader stood in the doorway. And before Ellie Kane and Benoit. He walked into the place and looked at the Mandalorians. "I think we've seen each other? And I haven't seen your leader! Ezra Bridger! Ah , I look forward to our meeting." - he looked at Gideon. - "You can leave Moff. I'll take care of them."

"There will be no need for that." Moff said "I will stay. The rest can leave." After these words, Kane , Benoit and the guards left the cells leaving the Sith Lord's Apprentice , Gideon , Fennec and Alex.

A user of the Dark Side of the Force approached Alex. The Mandalorian looked at him.

"I won't tell you anything," his voice was still weak. Vader's apprentice extended his hand.

"You won't have to" After these words, the Disciple used the Force , to pull information from Alex's mind. Morgan began to scream in pain - he could not stand.

"What are you doing to me!" He shouted.

"I take what I need" Vader's Apprentice closed his eyes. All the things from Alex's head went into the Sith's mind. Then he stopped and lowered his hand.

"I have everything I need." He released Alex. He then activated his lightsaber and stabbed him. "I don't need you anymore."

"ALEX!!!" Fennec shouted. She released her emotions. Gideon released her. Grey crawled to him.

"We will leave you" After these words, Gideon, along with the Sith, left the room. Grey took Morgan in her arms. She looked at him , while tears flew from her eyes.

"Alex," she said with a broken voice. She hugged him. "Alex please say something. "

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